ALTERNATIVE – WHAT ALTERNATIVE? The Editor I write today - TopicsExpress


ALTERNATIVE – WHAT ALTERNATIVE? The Editor I write today to address a matter that has rested heavily on my mind for some time now, and, one of which I am most certain has been pondered by many a citizen. What more can Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar actually do to help our citizens and would they even be pleased? It seems that for every good move the PM has made, there are persons with no greater purpose in life than to criticize and publicly chastise her and the cabinet – with nothing but propaganda. If we were to compare and contrast our options, that is, simply pit Kamla Persad Bissessar against Keith Christopher Rowley – we see a clear picture of where we ARE as a nation, where we WERE and then do we decide who takes us where we want to go! As a young man in the scope of National Politics and only recently turning 23 I haven’t seen much in short life, but what I have seen has amazed me. For instance, I have seen a man from a ministerial portfolio for misconduct, ineptitude and disrespect for the people of Trinidad and Tobago via the ‘landate’ and Calder Hart/UDECOTT scandal and for staying quiet for five years even when he knew about bid rigging and blatant cases of fraud. A man who held his tongue on misdeeds and disservices to the nation, to only find it when fired – now wishes to serve as its Prime Minister, one need not visit the comedy tents this Carnival as it seems! The focus now shifts to Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar, a woman much maligned by the opposition leader and his band of propagandist who seem bent on a smear campaign as it is clear they have nothing of any actual substance. Mr. Rowley has criticized the number of changes made to the PM’s cabinet, yet he neglects the fact that she ‘cracks the whip’ of discipline as need be, with any impropriety being dealt with prompt and with regard for the people of our nation. He criticizes her cabinet and puts forth a screen of comes and bacchanal – yet up to this date he cannot account for his Chief Whip and former Minister of Community Development Marlene MacDonald’s breach of ethics in awarding numerous contracts to a close relative/friend in cases such as the Calabar Foundation. Finally I look at the opposition’s behavior for the recent toy drives held by the Prime Minister – where they complained about everything from the bag having PM’s picture to the types of toys yet they had nothing of their own, with a mere 50 hampers being distributed at Balisier house in Port of Spain. So here we are in the year of reckoning, 2015, with a Government seemingly plagued by propaganda based scandal and an opposition filled with hypocrites, scoundrels and liars. The question Trinidad and Tobago has to ask themselves in the build up to the big day is who they trust to take them through the next hard five years – with falling oil prices and other influential global stances seemingly in doubt. Mr. Rowley and his candidates need to answer for their past misdeeds, especially those such as Mr.Rambharat and Mr.Cuffie who were trusted to be objective journalist in producing critiques of the current administration – who have now chosen to don the red of the PNM, a color similar to the blood dripping off their hands from their involvements in the closure of Caroni 1975 and ties to the Calabar Foundation. For every line the PNM opposition hits the Peoples Partnership Government, Mrs. Persad Bissessar and her cabinet can fire back five, yet the main question is as to the attention being paid by the audience – and if we as the people of Trinidad and Tobago require an alternative, because as we stand we may very well have NONE which is fine because we may not need them! Hershael Ramesar
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 02:13:49 +0000

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