ALUTA ROCKET MISFIRING AND HIS CAMPAIGN OF CALUMNY People who are vulnerable shouldnt attack others, especially in ways that draw attention to their own areas of vulnerability. We are all vulnerable in different ways; sometimes we forget our own vulnerability and throw stones at other people in the form of criticism. A person might remind us that we too have our own faults and weaknesses by saying people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. The thought is that if you live in a glass house and throw stones at your neighbors, you could destroy your own home (especially when your target retaliates); your house instead of protecting you will shatter. Therefore, one should be careful how and when to act (if and when necessary), because in trying to harm (bring down) others one could bring trouble on oneself. People who live around expensive porcelain antiques shouldnt throw stones! This conveys the sense that we should be careful how we treat other people (with our words and actions), or saying of bad things about them; we should not say insulting things to and about other people because they (their friends/fans) could easily do the same thing to us (when chanced). This is a message for our Union Welfare Director, the ‘Saint’ Comrade Olanrewaju Nafiu Qudus (ALUTA ROCKET) – the self-proclaimed no-nonsense man and a caring heart comrade. It is imperative for lovers of peace, unified, vibrant and progressive student unionism in LAUTECH to caution the Welfare Director for his hypocritical and display of undemocratic political gymnasium and ignorance about leadership; with his campaign of calumny against the person of the Union President and the Cabinet which he’s part of. This amount to denigration and degradation of office of the President and dragging our Union into the mud. His incessant attack on the personality of the President could not only blotch the reputation of the Union but also malign that of our citadel of learning. Though it is quite necessary for him to vent his anger to perceived irregularities and high-handedness coming from the office of the President, but he should learn to put a sense of civility and demureness into it and play a role expected to be played by a leader the students sees him to be. If I must say, his noise is getting too much and his ranting is becoming that of an ant; He’s gradually losing it, the respect, commendations and encomiums being showered on him by some of us who are of the mind’s eye that he’s the most active among the Union executives. Yes! He’s indeed very active; at least, at the time when the Public Relations Officer of the Union decides to go on hibernation (for God knows why), he took it as a responsibility and duty to keeping us abreast on relevant and important information about happenings in our hinterland; which is quite commendable. I admire his blazing passion for the welfarism of the students, and I’m very proud of him for his passion and the drive to see that the students live without any disturbance or panic. Despite his known shortcoming, he has forwarded letters to different and necessary quarters which had facilitated several meetings with the landlords of our various hostels, with the aim to achieve reduction in our hostel fees; also met with the security operatives, for them to protect our lives and properties; as claimed though! No one is disputing the fact that he’s working. We’re all aware of his efforts, but it is hypocritical for him to come on social media to paint black the person of the President and the cabinet, while he presents himself as a saint and the only caring hearted comrade in the cabinet. I’m not a fan of the President, only that truth must be told. If the antic employed in his campaign of calumny is to ensure that he gains public sympathy and support towards his presidential ambition in the next student union election, he’s been deceived by his intuition; Ladokites are not fools, they are wise voters that don’t get tricked by such antic, more-so a strategically weak one. The tactic is not only hypocritical, antique, debasing, degrading but also undemocratic; it is a poor choice of approach and the territory on which, when and where to vent the anger against the President and the irregularities in his cabinet. With the hypocritical actions of the Welfare Director so far, it is only someone who is pathologically sold to untruth and of weak reasoning will still believe that the attack on the person of the president is borne out of his (Aluta Rocket) genuine passion for the welfarism of the students; but his primordial sentiment and political chauvinism, which is uncouth, uncultured and uncivilized for a parochial and divisive comrade like him to blotch and make mockery of our dear and referred Union with his unguided, unguarded and unsophisticated bluffs. The ‘pull-him-down’ campaign he’s engaged in will not and never help him, moreover, when he’s also aiming to occupy that same post of the President. To be frank, it will serve as an impediment to his political ambition; an obstacle to his emergence in the next Student Union Election (that’s even if he’s ratified as being done in his socio-political organization). Whoever is advising him to use the tactic to score cheap political points and gain political popularity is not helping him; if he doesn’t play it softly, he’ll lose it totally and ruin his blazing ambition. He failed to realize that the people hailing and commending him today, for his ‘pull-him-down’ campaign against the president and the cabinet he’s serving in, will be those that will stand against him tomorrow and say to his face: “you pulled your boss down for you to attain his position; you’re a betrayer, an atrocious comrade; an illiterate of plunder, meretricious saint; glorified and meritorious scumbag; a wolf in sheep’s clothing; a sacramodial and pathological liar that should be extricated and evicted in a sane and safe community”. He should be aware that no one eat his cake and have it, and also whatever one soweth, shall he reapeth. The earlier he realized that, the better for him! Meanwhile, we should also note that for the Welfare Director to vent his anger against the President on social media, it means he’d tried different medium which I think proved abortive and he’s left with no choice than to let the cat out of the bag. This is a pointer to the fact that the President has failed as a leader to put his house in order, which begat to the incessant attack on his personality and leveling of allegations against him by member(s) of his cabinet. He (Aluta Rocket) claimed that the President refused to sign the letter which could facilitate reduction in the fees of our various hostels if and when forwarded to the necessary and concerned quarters; he (president) is insensitive about the plight of the students; and negligent of his duty, failed to put his house into order, thereby unfit to lead the students populace. Also, in his recent tirade, he claimed that the president failed to release the Union bus for easy mobility of the Union officials and security operatives at night, for them to cub the brutalization and robbery of the students by the men of the underworld and securing the lives and properties of the students. Simply put: the president has turned the Union bus to his personal property. In addition, many students asserted that the president drives the bus recklessness and only use it in conveying ladies from one hostel to another to enjoy himself and frolic to no end (they’re jealous of our president’s powerful prowess and the unmatchable record of his exploits in the Aluta “E” ministry though). It is thus pathetic that embarrassing silence continues to be prevalent on the side of the President in situations that call for extreme urgency in responsiveness and the restoration of students’ confidence in the Union. The allegations leveled against him are allegations that must not be taken with flippancy by him and all progressive minded Ladokites. Thus, there lots of questions begging for answers from the president; why will he refuse to sign the letter? Why has he been dumbfounded on issues raised by the Welfare Director? Is he truly insensitive about our plight? Why will he refuse to release the bus to other members of his cabinet when duty calls? Isn’t the bus meant for the easy mobility of the union officials in time of struggle? Even when the security of lives and properties of those he sworn to protect is at stake? For fair judgment, we therefore demand to know what is really happening in the union, because we’re sick of the officials dragging our union into the mud with undemocratic actions and inactions. Over to the President, we want to know his stance and answers to the questions raised. Enough said! Oluwatomilola Boyinde, TOMINIGERIA, P.R.O, Union of Campus Journalists (UCJ), AND, All-Nigeria United Nations Students & Youth Association (ANUNSA), LAUTECH. Oluwatomilola2@gmail, @TomiNigeria, 08032434218, 2AF2EB9D.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 14:59:57 +0000

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