AM BOOST >>>Esaus Birthright: It wasnt because of Hunger Esau - TopicsExpress


AM BOOST >>>Esaus Birthright: It wasnt because of Hunger Esau and Jacob were non identical twins born to Rebekah, Isaac’s wife. They were born within seconds of each other, but Esau was the first born and as such was entitled to certain privileges. The eldest son customarily received 1. a double portion in the division of the inheritance; 2. the right to lead the household and 3. the obligation to take on certain spiritual responsibilities on behalf of the family. This was still the time before the advent of priests. Esau grew up to become a hunter while Jacob was a farmer. Needless to bug you with the stories of Esau and Jacob as u must have heard/read about it countless time. Esau had become very frustrated after his Blessings were given to Jacob. How on earth could a mother hate his son & create a division btw them? You may ask It happened then and still happening now. It is a story of sibling rivalry and parental favouritism. About the dangers of being overly ambitious It is a story that reveals to us that God uses flawed people to progress his plans and that he frequently reverses human rules to suit his plans. It is a story about the mean spiritedness that is part of the human condition but it is also a story about values and about the need to hold on to good and right God given values in life. On a great & faithful day, Esau having toiled the bush for the whole day suddenly appeared from one of his hunting excursions, hungry, and asked Jacob for some of the red lentil stew/soup that Jacob was cooking up. Jacob, ever the opportunist and uncooperative younger brother as the mother had made him become, played hard to get and demanded that Esau sell him his birthright first before he would hand over any of the delicious stew. “What good is the birthright to me? Esau retorted” Jacob on hearing that was surprised that his brother could agree to sell out his birthright for a portion of meal. But as desperate as he was, he rushed into agreement and took over as it pleased him. Esau was offered the meal after he agreed to hand over his inheritance as first born to his younger twin brother, all for a bowl of lentil stew!! Have you ever given up something that was rightfully yours? Perhaps you did so for the common good. Perhaps you did so unselfishly for the good of someone else. Whichever, I’m sure it was a very painful thing to do. Esau’s decision to give up his birthright was made doubly more heart wrenching because he gave up something so very valuable, for a miserable bowl of stew. It wasnt hunger that really made him sell out his birthright Esau was a short sighted man who had no insight into what he was giving away. Had flawed judgment in that he gives away something so valuable in exchange for so little. Did not understand the spiritual value of his birth right . Could not see beyond his physical needs and thus he bartered away his unspeakably holy and precious privileges. Clearly had no respect for his inheritance. He had done nothing to earn it and consequently did not appreciate it. Was a man who dashed through the needs of the moment and rejected the future for the present. Had limited spiritual insight and so could give up the unseen for the seen. Had low emotional intelligence for he could not delay gratification in the interests of a more worthy cause. “What good is a birthright if I have to wait for it?” Some times we are too much like Esau in the choices we make, where we place our priorities and what we value. Sometimes we need to be reminded of what is really important in life lest like Esau we sell our souls for a figurative bowl of soup. May God help us all - Amen TGIF. Good morning and Have a lovely weekend. Timothy Anietie @timcool89
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 00:58:19 +0000

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