AM I TO ABANDON THE EVOLUTION OF BLACK IN AMERICA FOR THE COMFORTS OF COMPLIANCE ON MEETING EXPECTED STANDARDS FOR WHITE DOMINANCE? My personal response to that question is never shall I be persuaded into silence, which stymies evolutionary self-expression of Black genes to creatively promote cultural existence. The offerings of White economic prosperity, and wealth in exchange for imprisoning my soul, therefore gradually consuming me in a meaningless world, shall never receive my acceptance. Yes, I may die homeless on the streets, however I assure you that itll be one of inner-gratitude. Because I did not come to Olympia, WA. in collusion with a pre-established political agenda of any sort, I remain undeterred, and unhindered at challenging oppressive forces attacking me as a Black man In America. Not only are those forces at the hands of Whites, but the structural means by which Whites have garnered the aid of Blacks. Just over the 20 years of knowledgeable experience that Ive gained about Olympias community to include 13 of those years serving as a Police officer, their ways are that of a White racist coward. They have shown to inconspicuously go about their racist ways, even when called upon for public challenge. When I recently extended an invitation to Governor, Jay Inslee to speak publicly on the topic of race relations, he ignored my invitation. Soon after, when I turned to Olympias City Manager, Steve Hall to extend the same invitation, he also ignored my invitation. But, that was not the first time per se that Ive come before Olympias community in some fashion to publicly challenge their racist ways. I did it while protesting on the street corners for an Independent Citizens Police Oversight Process following my termination from the Olympia Police Department. I did it on a number of occasions through speaking publicly before the Olympia City Council, urging them to publicly expose my police career. I did it by speaking publicly with criticism regarding my police career, while employed with the Olympia Police Department. I did it while in contention with police co-workers, police supervisory personnel, and citizens being served in the community. Even today, as I deal with homeless circumstances after finding it appropriately necessary to speak as a Black Militant, and promote the ideology of Black Separatism, the White racist cowards avoid any meaningful attempts to challenge them publicly. Obviously, one can reasonably assume that they fear the credibility of their own valued racist beliefs. For the most part, Im speaking of an all White community that has a historically racist background, and one of a virulent nature when it came to Black people being denied to settle within any means of a Black community. To Be Completed As A Works In Progress
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 23:32:56 +0000

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