AM JUST A SIMPLE MAN WHOSE ACT OF LEADERSHIP IS TO GIVE TO THE PEOPLE WHAT BELONG TO THE PEOPLE. ..........HONOURABLE POWELL TOS OJOGHO. Thus, it is obvious that there is no substantial reason to continue to have in our statute book this obsolete, anachronistic, old fashioned, reactionary and punitive act of leadership. Surely in a democratic community or a community which professes democracy as a way of life, he who pays taxation. has a right to write and to speak out his mind, whether as a proprietor or publisher or author-within the ambit of the law.In the light of these explanatory remarks, I want to employ every tom dick and harriet in constituency one to support this great innovative act that will serve as a blessing, inspite of our extreme individualism. Economically, we have laboured under onerous taxation measures, without receiving sufficient social amenities to justify them.We have been taxed without representation, and our contributions in taxes have been used to develop other areas, our of proportion to the incidence of taxation in those areas.It would seem that we are becoming a victim of economic annihilation through a gradual but a studied process.What are my reasons for cataloguing these disabilities and interpreting them as calculated to emasculated us, and so render us impotent to assert our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? I shall now state the facts which should be well know to any honest isoko man, (constituency one).Bad roads, unemployment, lack of companies, and bad leadership. Today, these disabilities have been intensified. There is a movement to disregard these traditional kind of leadership, that serve as a set back in constituency one, and it begins with the introduction of a fresh hand in leadership, a man who is ready to give to the people what belongs to the people.The only worthwhile stand we can make as a people is to assert our right to self determination, where our rights will be respected and safeguarded via us supporting the right candidate.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 15:16:24 +0000

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