AMAZING!!! Great GREAT tips for building an amazing residual - TopicsExpress


AMAZING!!! Great GREAT tips for building an amazing residual income! Some pointers I took away to share with my team, I hope it is helpful for you!! Zach and Eden have built an EMPIRE! If you arent in the START group here is the link, I highly recommend watching when you have the time! 1) There is NO COLD market! There are just people you havent met yet! Ask basic questions, see it as a way of being selective who joins OUR team! Be CLEAR of the type of person you are looking for! Find a common point of interest and start a conversation to lead into what YOU are doing! The 3 Ps! Past= How long have you worked here? Present= You must really enjoy it Future= Do you see yourself working here in 15-20 years??? Well no If you werent doing this what would you see yourself doing! 2) Join a MEETUP! Where there are people doing things YOU like doing! Dont have an AGENDA! Become interested in THEM, THEIR goals, THEIR passion and offer them a solution! 3) What do we do for a living?! Its not what I do FOR a living, its what I do WHILE Im living. I show people how to eliminate the words I CANT from their lives. I get paid to take people beyond their problems. I owns network marketing company. WHAT?! Yes! People dont understand WHAT THAT MEANS! OWN IT! We dont SELL Isagenix, we dont work FOR Isagenix. You are the CEO! Let the PROSPECT determine your presentation! I show people how to create, earn, so they can travel, retire. 4) Friends of Friends is an AMAZING way to meet people on FB! Send a short message to people you have joint interests with and START A CONVERSATION! If you meet someone out in public get their first and last name and add them to FB with a short hey it was nice to meet you message! Social networking is just like REAL WORLD networking. Would you want to keep in touch with this person EVEN IF THEY WERE NOT INTERESTED in joining your team? 5) When someone posts a post about being tired, or sick all the time. You dont have to respond with Isa! Share an article you have read with solutions and gain their trust! You dont have to always share Isa right away! Others will see this and say, wow they genuinely have something to offer! 6) It is always easier to jump on a quick call. When they comment on your posts, rather than trying to educate someone in FB messages, have them watch a quick 5-10 minute video then jump on a call! Get them offline as soon as possible! Pique their interest, leave mystery and leave them WANTING more! Sometimes you can leave them waiting a day or so before you send them a message. We want the people who are EXCITED to hear from us, because they WANT this! Those that dont respond, we dont want them anyways! Why wouldnt they want what you have?! Dont be desperate and message them right away! 7) Network marketing BASHERS: These people have a history of knowing someone or having a BAD experience. Its a seed that has been planted about pyramid schemes. First, get your belief in our company 10/10 because then you are CONFIDENT responding and be UNATTACHED. It sounds like you have had an experience, have you been involved with a network marketing company before? Educating them helps them protect themselves. WE HAVE AN ACTUAL PRODUCT! We only get commission when a product is PURCHASED not for referrals. We have more PRODUCT users than product shares. Are they in corporate america?! Ask them what is a pyramid scheme? That sounds a lot like corporations and sales companies. There is NO way they are going to earn more from their boss. HELLO! 8) When you have a doubt in something, people will read that and become concerned as well, that will become their objection (the price, giving your SSN, etc.) If you are getting the same objection OVER and OVER make sure that you revisit that yourself and become confident in overcoming the objection for YOURSELF first! 9) MONEY BLUEPRINT! Do you see yourself making a three figure income?!?! Be ready for your worthiness of this opportunity! And what you were condition to believe you are supposed to earn your income! Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Ekeris a good read! 10) Ways to build your interest?! THREE way calls with your upline, weekly launch parties, opportunity calls 10-15 minute calls for your team highlighting someone who has had success and THEIR story, virtual webinars, work on yourself! Grow yourself and your confidence this will grow you and your business will follow. They mention MANY books to help grow yourself! Be alined with YOUR purpose, it will help your connect with others! 11) Making mistakes makes you a better leader for others! But Edens biggest mistake was not sharing the opportunity earlier on! DONT BE AFRAID of rejection, sharing the vision early on- these people will come back! Zachs best piece of advice was if the WHY is STRONG ENOUGH The HOW Doesnt matter! The rejection, stumbling wont matter if your WHY is STRONG ENOUGH! You are EXACTLY where you are supposed to be, one day it will just CLICK if you stick in there The only way to fail is to quit!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 00:00:00 +0000

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