AMAZING NEWS FROM THE PROPHET(SAW)!!......PART ONE The Hadith of Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah records that Abdur-Rahman Ibn Sumurah said, The prophet(saw) came out to us one day and He stood before us and said LAST NIGHT I SAW SOMETHING AMAZING,I SAW A MAN FROM MY UMMAH TO WHOM THE ANGEL OF DEATH CAME TO EXTRACT HIS SOUL,BUT HIS HONORING OF HIS PARENT CAME AND KEPT THE ANGEL OF DEATH AWAY FROM HIM....Rasool Allah(saw) also said I SAW A MAN WHOSE TORMENT IN THE GRAVE WAS ABOUT TO COME UPON HIM AND HIS WUDU(Ablution) CAME AND SAVED HIM FROM THAT......Rasool Allah(saw) didnt stop there,He again said I SAW A MAN FROM AMONG MY UMMAH WHOM THE DEVILS HAD SEIZED,BUT HIS REMEMBRANCE OF ALLAH CAME AND BANISHED THE DEVILS FROM HIM All these things are things we always hear but we the youth today are too busy to Respect our Parent, too busy to perform the Wudu Correctly!!, always too busy to remember Allah(SWT).. WHY Because we the youth today LOVE THE DUNYA SOO MUCH!!, to the DEGREE that we are Willing to DESTROY OURSELVES FOR IT!!! Allahu Akbar...We are willing to sell our own SOUL to be RICH and FAMOUS!!, We are willing to go Against the Quran and the Sunnah to Please ourselves!!! As a muslim,we dont just claim we LOVE Allah(SWT) and HIS Messenger(saw) but MANIFEST IT!!!, How can you Love and Fear Allah(SWT) and then go against HIS LAWS????, does it MAKE SENSE???????, someone help me with the EQUATION please!!!, Am soo sure COMMON SENSE knows the answer to this,Unless of course You have NON!!!!,.The Hadith continue to say,Nabi Karim(saw) said I SAW A MAN FROM MY UMMAH WHOM THE ANGELS OF TORMENT HAD SEIZED,BUT HIS PRAYER CAME AND SAVED HIM FROM THEM Those of us who dont make Salah or Pray on and off, guess what, SUCH INDIVIDUALS ARE NEVER MUSLIMS,he/she is KAFIR!,this are not my words,this are the words of the Best of creation HIMSELF, Literally the Word Kafir means DENIAL meaning knowing the TRUTH and denying it, or knowing the truth and covering it up,so when someone is called Kufur/kafir,he/she consciously knows what he/she is doing,this is Basically the reason why YOU CANT BLAME shaytan on QIYAMAH,all he did was to encourage you to do the WRONG.... ,.....Will continue later
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 11:06:28 +0000

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