AMAZING NEWS FROM THE PROPHET(SAW)!!!!!......PART TWO The Hadith continue to say,Nabi Karim(saw) said I SAW A MAN FROM MY UMMAH WHOM THE ANGELS OF TORMENT HAD SEIZED,BUT HIS PRAYER CAME AND SAVED HIM FROM THEM Those of us who dont make salah or Pray on and off, guess what, SUCH INDIVIDUALS ARE NEVER MUSLIMS,he/she is KAFIR!,this are NOT my words,this are the words of the Best of creation HIMSELF, Literally the Word Kafir means DENIAL meaning knowing the TRUTH and denying it, or knowing the truth and covering it up,so when someone is called Kufur/kafir,he/she consciously knows what he/she is doing,this is Basically the reason why YOU CANT BLAME shaytan on QIYAMAH,all he did was to encourage you in doing it. Did you know before the DEATH of our beloved Prophet(saw) One of the KEY things He made Conscious to the Ummah is SALAH???...The sick,the weak,the troubled,the healthy, the physical challenge person,the Doctor,from the highest men to the Commonest man, Every Muslim MUST PRAY!! , NO EXCUSE for the One who doesnt PRAY!!, if you dont YOU ARE A KAFIR(a disbeliever).Go and read about how Umar Ibn Khattab(ra) was KILLED and you will understand the VALUE OF SALAH!!..The Hadith continue to say,Muhammed (saw) said I SAW A MAN FROM AMONG MY UMMAH, TORMENTED BY THIRST,EVERY TIME HE APROACHED THE CISTERN HE WAS PUSHED BACK,THEN HIS RAMADAN FASTING CAME AND GAVE HIM TO DRINK AND QUENCHED HIS THIRST.. Some individuals among the Ummah become real muslims when is Ramadan, How funny, after ramadan you find them back to the old life, in other words HE/SHE changed in a period of 28 -30 days, during Ramadan She starts to cover the hair,she stops fixing the fake hair,she stops wearing those clothes, she speaks properly,she becomes respectful,she prays on time,she stays away from that Man she commits ZINA with,she wants to give out,she wants to be at home and cook, she wants to play the Kirah or Waazi,she goes to Jummah etc, after Ramadan she takes it from where she LEFT OFF!!..Subhanallah...Which Madrasat taught you that??, which Imam/Shiekh/Mallam/Scholar taught you that ???,CAMOUFLAGE, may Allah guide us.The truth is you have No FEAR!!, No IMAN!!,No LOVE!!, No RESPECT FOR ALLAH(SWT) AND HIS MESSENGER(SAW) , THE QURAN AND THE SUNNAH!! ..Are u waiting for DEATH before u Change ??,.will continue later
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 10:47:09 +0000

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