AMAZING PRAISE REPORT! PLEASE SHARE FOR THOSE WHO NEED A MASSIVE SHOT OF FAITH OR IF YOU ARE STRUGGLING WITH DISBELIEF! For those who follow my posts, you have seen how The Creator has brought restoration to my family these past few days as I have been reunited with my mother and family. Dayenu...that would have been enough, right? Last night my my mother called hysterically crying and told us my 19 year-old niece, Pamela, was rushed to the hospital where she died from leukemia which had ravished her body. The cancer had spread to her lung(s) and one of them had collapsed. She went into respiratory arrest and then cardiac arrest. My mother asked us to pray for her because they were still working on her, trying to bring her back. Immediately Laralyn RiverWind felt the Holy Spirit move powerfully to pray that she would live and not die. She reminded the Heavenly Father that this sweet woman had an amazing testimony that brings glory to Him. With authority, Laralyn prayed that she would not come back to while the medical team worked on her. That after they stopped working on her, He would bring her back in the name and by the power of Yeshua the Messiah, that NO MAN would share in His glory. My sister-in-law, Gigi joined in agreement together, as we were all riding together in the car when this horrible phone call came to us. The Muslim physician, his assistant and nurses tried everything they could do to bring her back to life to no avail. So, they stopped working to try to revive her. My brothers wife told the Muslim doctor that Jesus would save her, feeling that because He conquered the grave, this was not the end and because of Him, so would her daughter, as a testimony to the power of the True Messiah. My niece was dead for four hours... And then came back to life! A PULSE! The physician and his staff were shocked and in awe!! She began to clearly recount that she saw a pierced hand reach for her and pulled through a tunnel into the most beautiful place she ever saw. She looked at Yeshuas face as He told her it was not her time and that He was sending her back because there was much for her to do. To prepare herself and others because He is coming back VERY soon. She didnt want to leave, she wanted to stay but he gently told her no, you must go back and finish what you born to do. (the deceiver was trying to take her out) This was less than 12 hours ago and my niece is now at home completely recovered! Dayenu..that would have been enough. The Muslim physician accepted Yeshua ! Dayenu...that would have been enough right? Then the doctor told her that there was a building right next to the hospital that was for sale and that he was going to go purchase it and GIVE it to her so that she would have a ministry area for people to come and pray and visit the sick and dying in the hospital. Exodus 15:11 Who among the gods is like you, YHVH? Who is like you-- majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working great miracles? NONE! As I hear more or get clearer details I will keep the post updated:) Please please please, this is NOT a Christmas miracle. Do not give glory to a man made holiday but to The Creator, YHVH , of all things who sent His only son Yeshua to die so that we would live! - Chief J. RiverWind https://youtube/watch?v=AHK69D_gUww#t=12
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 15:47:17 +0000

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