AMAZING TESTIMONY Sara, Instantly Set Free of Post-Partum - TopicsExpress


AMAZING TESTIMONY Sara, Instantly Set Free of Post-Partum Psychosis Sara came to one of my meetings 4 years ago demonized. She was in and out of psychiatric wards, demons would come to her in the form of pirates. She was instantly delivered and continues to this day to live a Jesus filled life with her husband and family 100% set free and on fire for God. Read her own words as she shares her testimony. [Please keep in mind a great many details have been left out because her full testimony would take a book.] _________ Mark 5:1-2 They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes. When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet him. Hi my name is Sara. I am Christian woman, 36 years old I have been married for 10 years to my husband John and we have 2 boys, Anthony is 8 and Jonathan is 4. As I write this I am praying for Gods grace to help me write. The fuzziness that insanity brought at that time makes recalling events while in it hard but with God all things are possible. Four years ago I had a season that felt like a living hell on earth. I gave birth to my second son in March of 2008. My husband and I named him Jonathan and his middle name Eden after the garden of Eden which means delightful. I was a mother ready to delight herself in her baby and enjoy him like Adam and Eve enjoyed the garden of delight God blessed them with. It seems I wasnt remembering the snake in the garden and sure enough the snake showed up. Shortly after having Jonathan my mind started quickly going to a bad place. Confusion came in bringing with it fear, uncertainty and eventually insanity. I had what doctors call post-partum psychosis. Mark 5:3 This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him any more, not even with a chain. I was hearing voices telling me that my husband was the enemy. I should kill him to protect myself, that I needed to run away to Montana and live in the woods in the mountains and I would be all better and safe and have peace. I should kill myself because my children would be better off not having me for their mother. On and on the lies of the enemy bombarded my mind. I was suicidal and I was put in a psychiatric ward in a hospital. The doctor had me on a bunch of psychiatric medications, however no doctor could help my mind and no pill could keep away the horrible thoughts and hallucinations. Mark 5:4 For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. The medicine wasnt working it wasnt subduing the hallucinations. So the doctor kept raising the dose higher and higher, yet I got worse. During all this my family as you can imagine was struggling to say the least. John was having to work and watch the kids with help from his mom and mine. Eventually when I was home again so my husband moved into his parents house, he couldnt trust me around the kids or him for that matter. I had an episode one day where he said my face changed and my voice got demonic and I screamed at him, your god had no power then I blacked out. He called 911 and an ambulance came and took me back to the hospital. I remember some strange things I did during that time too. I hung all my quilts my great grandma had made on all the walls in my bedroom in my mind I thought they were protecting me and that they were also ship sails. When I would hallucinate I would often be on a pirate ship that was filled with old men who were pirates, they were friendly to me and their job was to protect me and take me away from the bad world. The pirate ship was the only place I had some rest in my mind. Mark 5:5 Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones. There were so many crazy and horrible things that happened during that time it would take a book to fill. The details of the madness though are not what really counts. Like the saying goes it is not how you begin that matters most it is how you end. I was not doing well. I was on such a high dose of medication that my pharmacist told my husband he didnt feel comfortable filling my pills. I looked like a stranger, when I looked in the mirror I remember thinking I looked dead. I cried out to God, help me, I cant live like this. I have wrecked my marriage my family. I have nothing left of myself I am losing it all. Mark 5:6 When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in from of him. God heard me. Roger Webb came to my mom and dads church for a weekend. I came to the service. What happened then is really fuzzy to me but I can recall being the first person to run up to him for a miracle. I just started telling him how I was struggling and he prayed for me and the power of God came on me and I fell to the floor. That weekend what I can tell you is my mind was healed my body was set free and I was delivered from demons that were tormenting me! God used Roger as a vessel and God gave me a miracle. Mark 5:15 When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there in his right mind; and they were afraid. I had this struggle in myself, I knew I was healed and yet I was on such a high dose of medication the pharmacist said I could die if I quit it all at once cause my organs could shut down. I believed with all my heart I was supposed to stop the meds. I asked God for confirmation, if my husband would agree for me to quit them then I knew it was Gods will for me to that. So I asked John, he was a bit nervous but said I could quit the medication but if I was having any side effects or wasnt doing well I had to go right back on them. Glory to God I had no side effects! Four years later I am still as free! Mark 5:18-20 Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. Jesus did not let him, but said, Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you. So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed. Friends, the Lord had done a mighty miracle in me. He took me from the pit and placed me in a palace. He restored not just my mind but my marriage and my family. He gave me a testimony that is so powerful of His goodness, mercy and grace! I can boldly declare, God is good! He can heal even the worse case scenarios look at mine. He not only heals, He restores all that was stolen and gives you even more! There is hope for everyone suffering and that hope is Jesus Christ. He is the same yesterday and forevermore. God can do the seemingly impossible in your life. Dont ever give up on God, press in and let Him do exceedingly great things in you. You have a divine destiny and He who began a good work in you will bring it into completion. Take it from a woman who was in the pit more times then I like to admit. He is able......He is able.....He is able! Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 00:26:41 +0000

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