AMBITION An earnest desire for some type of achievement or - TopicsExpress


AMBITION An earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment. It isn’t surprising that being overly ambitious could damage your career, as you become so fixated on reaching your goals that you fail to take into account what other people think. You’re so focused on reaching the top of your profession that you forget you sometimes have to rely on other people and if you rub them up the wrong way you’re unlikely to be able to ask them for help. Although a certain amount of ambition can motivate you to strive harder to reach your goals, being consumed by ambition will simply have a detrimental impact on your career, as you get carried away by your attempts to be the best. When you’re overly ambitious you don’t care what anyone else thinks, as you are convinced that your opinion is the only one that matters. However, in the workplace you have to be prepared to work as a team and if you continually sideline your colleagues, talking over them and ignoring all their suggestions you’re not going to be very popular. Of course, it doesn’t really matter if you’re not that popular, as long as the people you work with have enough faith in your abilities. However, when you come across as arrogant, your colleagues may not tolerate any of your slip-ups and will be the first to point out when you’ve made a mistake. Indeed, if you get on the wrong side of people you could find that your goal of getting a promotion could be sabotaged by disgruntled colleagues who simply cannot stand you. Everyone has their own ambitions, but when you’re so vocal about how successful you already are and how you are going to achieve even more success in the future, other people get annoyed. You might tell yourself that they’re just jealous, but the reality is that you come across as stuck-up and as though you think you’re better than everyone else. Thus, being overly ambitious can fuel ambitions in other people who, rather than wanting to succeed for their own sake, want to succeed to prevent you from reaching your goals. The workplace can be a brutal arena, which is why it is good to have some ambition, so that you don’t have all the life and drive sucked out of you, but at the same time you have to be prepared to compromise. Unfortunately, being overly ambitious can sometimes render you oblivious to how you are viewed by others and how your actions are actually reducing your chances of success. The drive to achieve something of value to us, is a good thing. As long as what we’re pursuing is the right “thing”. Ambition goes awry when we start putting ourselves above other people. We view our desires as more important than other people. We become conceited. We become self-focused and self-centered. We climb over others to get where we want to be. We’re on a mission, and nothing or no one will get in our way. Ambition also goes awry when we start pursuing fame, power or wealth instead of Gods purpose for us. Does your life display the good, the bad or the downright ugly of ambition? Please leave a comment. Good morning to you
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 10:42:24 +0000

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