AMENNNNNNNNNNNN!!!! YES!! Read this...this is the TRUTH!! Via - TopicsExpress


AMENNNNNNNNNNNN!!!! YES!! Read this...this is the TRUTH!! Via Clarissa Saum Ps 37:25 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. Have you ever suddenly been impressed that you need to give a certain individual a specific amount of money? Or been told to take someone a bag of groceries? Or buy someone a prepaid gas card? Did you DO it? The Lord knows the needs of all of His children. He knows when one of His is in a situation where they need a bit of assistance. He doesnt tell us to go begging to the government for handouts, He tells us to pray. In fact, there are many, MANY instances in the Bible where a person was in dire straits who cried out to God and the Lord sent a man of God to minister to that person miraculously, providing for their physical as well as spiritual needs. Today we have TV evangelists begging for your money and some people are foolishly mailing them hundreds of dollars at a time, thinking that theyll win the lottery and get rich quick because theyve sent in their widows mite. See, those fat cats on TV know how to milk their audience for every last dime, but thats for another time. But lets get back to my first question. Have you felt impressed to give a certain amount to an individual? Never mind if you HAD that amount or not, did the Lord put them on your mind and tell you to send them financial assistance? Did you step out in faith and DO SO? (I can promise you, if you say Yes Lord, even though you dont have it? HE WILL MAKE SURE YOU CAN!!!) There are too many Christians who are so caught up in their own little dramas that they dismiss a chance to be a blessing and receive an even bigger blessing, because they refused to do what the Lord asked them to do. They may know that someone is in need of help, but for whatever reason they wont even lift a finger to make a phone call to see if they can drum up that help. Christians should never have to beg for help. Ever. If YOU hear that still, small voice tell you to send Brother So and So $500.00, you shouldnt ask why, you should just say Yes Lord and do it. If YOU hear that still small voice tell you to go to the store and buy a bag of provisions and take it to the couple down the street, you should do it. No questions asked. If WE, as Christians would listen to the Lord and be obedient, our brothers and sisters would never, ever have to beg for help from HUMANS, because our Father would hear their needs and make a way for them to be met. YOU may be that one person who will be used by God to meet a need, if you will just stop arguing with that still, small voice and go do what He tells you to do. I promise, you will be blessed.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 19:17:17 +0000

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