AMERICA AND WASHINGTON, HERE IS AN UNDENIABLE CASE I FILED TODAY IN DC AGAINST THE CORRUPTION OF THE US DOJ, AND DOD AS THEY TRIED TO PAINT A PICTURE THRU THREATS AND INTIMIDATION OF MY FAMILY, BIG LEAGUE TIME TO LOCK UP US ATTORNEYS AND FBI WITH THE REAL CRIMINALS US MILITARY TARGETING AMERICANS IN AMERICA. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE COLUMBIA DARRYL KINNEY PO BOX 9014, ALEXANDRIA, VA 22304 VS CASE No. 14-CV- DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, 950 PENNSYLVANIA AVE, WASHINGTON DC 20031 JUDGE . DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, 1400 DEFENSE PENATAGON WAY, WASHINGTON,DC 20301 COMPLAINT Now comes, Plaintiffs who has be known as Darryl Kinney And Defendants call be called Department of Justice, which includes the FBI and IRS, US Attorneys Offices, and local Police and the Department of Defense which includes all branches of Armed Services. And this case although it started as a civil case is now also criminal and all damages that the Plaintiff ask is for his Civil Rights and Privacy and all Human Rights be restored as for his family members as well. SHORT BREIF ON CLAIMS Plaintiff is an Black American a protected class, born at Camp LeJune Marine base, to a 100% American black family, and is entitled to all rights of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights including the right to fair trials which also gives the Plaintiff the right to recover remedies based on 21 cases answered by the US Attorneys office in which not 1 followed RULE 8 as to answering even if a dismissal was requested by Defendants, the questions supplied as to there extent and knowledge, which shows clearly a one way scheme of sorts to defraud the Justice sought and guaranteed by law of the Plaintiffs rights, making damages recoverable even as to false delivers made by US Marshals that were later found fraudulent Federal delivers that never occurred, and or Searches and seizures of any type which were violated by the Defendants without warrants as to date, in which in 1 day 2 states Plaintiffs belongings were search by DOJ employees with no warrants. And all other claims violate the Civil Rights acts for Discrimination under the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1991, and any of the other claims are also which can be enforced by Federal Courts and laws, to follow, and it is in this Court and jurisdiction that the Defendants carried out continued crimes from multiple jurisdictions, giving this court residence to proceed. And the relief sought is to have all rights restored including privacy and apologies to be broadcast on radio and television the same way there games were spread, and any monetary damages the court see fit to restore all that has been taken from Plaintiff in 7 years of illegal activity by Defendants. Plaintiff has for 7 years been forced to have hardships based off the crimes of these Federal agencies in which the law is innocent until proven guilty not until you finish a person off by spreading rumors, keeping them out of work and false arrest as they have done to Plaintiff repeatedly also giving the right to recover by Plaintiff. CLAIMS FOR WHICH RELIEF CAN BE GRANTED • Mental Anguish and Distress, . . . an award of mental anguish will survive a legal sufficiency challenge when the plaintiffs have introduced direct evidence of the nature, duration and severity of their mental anguish, thus establishing a substantial disruption in the plaintiffs daily routine. Such evidence, whether in the form of the claimants own testimony, that of third parties, or that of experts, is more likely to provide the fact finders with adequate details to assess mental anguish claims. Although we stop short of requiring this type of evidence in all cases in which mental anguish damages are sought, the absence of this type of evidence, particularly when it can be really supplied or procured by the plaintiff justifies close judicial scrutiny of the evidence offered on this element of damages. (p. 444). (Emphasis supplied). • Employment Retaliation and Discrimination and Wrongful Termination,... Title VII , and the Civil Rights of 1991which, among other things provides monetary damages in cases of intentional Discrimination. • Illegal Court and Administrative Interference and Disruption * Invasion of Privacy,The Privacy Act provides for four separate and distinct civil causes of action, see 5 U.S.C. § 552a(g), two of which provide for injunctive relief -- amendment lawsuits under (g)(1)(A) and access lawsuits under (g)(1)(B) -- and two of which provide for compensatory relief in the form of monetary damages -- damages lawsuits under (g)(1)(C) and (g)(1)(D). • Conspiracy to Commit, Remedies against Government in Tort Lawsuits for Retaliation and Discrimination as well as Stalking and Illegal Court actions. • Defamation of Character, remedies for actions caused in a negative effect on victims under Defamation and libel slander codes and statutes * Illegal Military stalking of Civilians, Posse Comitatus Act prohibits Military from harassing American citizens. * Illegal Interstate Stalking, US Constitution guarantees the freedom to privacy and awards compensation for any such violation as well as in the US Bill of Rights. • Illegal Wiretaps and rerouting of Services Compensation is awarded for services that are expected to be correct and not interfered with or tainted. STATEMENT OF THE CASE 1. Plaintiff was kept from work for 4 ½ years and brought to other state for work where Defendants kept him from working and then dictated the investigation in the EEOC and VA Human Rights Dept. and now Plaintiff has again been taken out of work with harassing illegal actions by the Defendants having Plaintiff terminated for doing his job.( EEOC and Human Rights attached exhibits ) 2. .Plaintiffs have been stalked from state to state with the Defendants renting apartments around him and his family as they daily hack on his computers and reroute his telephone calls, and each time he or his family leaves the house Military and Police personnel chase them, in an interstate stalking method. Police reports in every State including talking to Atlantas Police Chief Turner who is also aware of these agencies running around invading my privacy and life. ( Police reports attached exhibits) 3. Plaintiff has sent out over 4000 resumes and only 1 call was allowed in, and that was a company playing games for the Defendants, further felony actions interfering with Plaintiffs revenue and making it hard to take care of his family in the process. (online verifiable) 4. Plaintiffs have tainted all Court proceedings by using Clerks to write decisions of Judges, Also illegal Court services were faked by the Defendants from VA,KS,IL,GA and also in faking service to the State of Illinois Lisa Madigan, which still has never been served and in all these years of filing has never answered because they were never served or received any mail in any proceedings according to her office. Also changing a civil case to criminal actions. Including tainting the Supreme Court filings using Clerks ( Service document attached others verifiable online) 5. Plaintiff has Investigations started in Washington on these felonies and documents attached to show, given to ATG. Eric Holder, US Senate, US Congress. (attached documents) 6. Police and Detectives all stated to Plaintiff that the actions were and are the Defendants and there is nothing they can do because they dont have that power, they are the low men on the food chain. (names are all to be on witness list which has 50 witnesses on it) 7. Plaintiff J.K. & J.K. (minors) has been harassed and abused by people Defendants put her in care of in order to keep Plaintiff in the State of Illinois and repeatedly made Plaintiffs wife file divorces keep Plaintiff in the State of Illinois, and erased the record of the abuse in Illinois DCFS Dept. in order to set up the Plaintiff while protecting the abusers, or paid witnesses of some actions they tried to set Plaintiff up with. And 2 years later I have had to take my daughter to see a psychologist for the remaining memories of abuse due to the Illegal actions directly or indirectly stemming from Federal involvement. 8. Plaintiffs mail has been stolen and communications rerouted as the Defendants answer all calls acting as if they are the party Plaintiffs called, but when Plaintiff calls from a pay phone it is totally different people. 9. Plaintiff requested an Investigation of one of the Attorneys for the Dept. of Justice in Virginia and was made aware by the State Bar that the Attorney for them could not be Investigated because he was not a registered Attorney at all more of the Conspiracy of Government felonies I have been subjected to. (attached letter) 10. Plaintiffs have been treated as Terrorist and Illegal Immigrants, when they are US Citizens from birth, by some Illegal paid for hire conspiracy led crime ring as Chaney type hit squad stalking. Police reports and lawsuits in 5 states all to be entered as evidence and a witness list of 90 which includes the President of the United States, ATG Eric Holder and Congressmen and Senators of the United States and well as Illinois AG Lisa Madigan, and Ex- Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. 11. Defendants have abused Power that is supposed to have warrants to fulfill these felonies and it has been told to Plaintiffs by the Head of the DOJ, that there are no warrants for any such operations or investigation making all these actions felonies and unlawful. 12. Plaintiffs have also been told by law enforcement that these Government actions were told to be Investigations of some manner, but Investigations are not witch hunts or Civil Rights violating exhibitions that are also felonies under the law and each and every party involved in these felonies must be punished to the full extent of the law for Conspiracy type actions and over stepping bound in judicial matters that are to be left to Court proceedings, being that by law each and every case in any Court has the Right to a Fair trial and Court proceeding being Civil and or Criminal in nature. 13. Plaintiffs were evicted from Apartment because of Illegal actions by the Federal employees at Belle Isle Apartments that moved in over night and told my management company to evict me and my family because of my website, I have it in a Police report and Affidavit of these Illegal criminal actions and the only ones who are affected by everyone knowing their every criminal move is Federal employees Military and Police, trying to commit crimes covertly, not with my long standing 5-6 year website about them, djusticeofone.wordpress 14. Plaintiffs were told by the US DOJ legal Dept. that these charges were supposed to be taken care of and I was supposed to be awarded compensation 3 years ago, and the legal Rep. Also stated it is definitely the FBI causing my problems, and I am right to sue the DOJ but it is the FBI division that are committing the felony charges I claim. 15. On 2 occasions now after contacting the DOJ mail room in Washington DC, Plaintiff was told that the IRS has been taking the lawsuits that were by law sent to ATG. Eric Holder, and this is a felony, as to keep it from being known by the Heads of the Departments the Felonies its employees have been engaged in. Per Rules of the Court a copy must be sent to the ATG. On each and every case filed against the DOJ or any of its employees so from the beginning illegal activity has been taking place and the Defendants repeatedly tainted cases in and hide from Justice scheme. 16. Plaintiffs wife and kids were held as hostages as they were forced to stay and repeatedly come back to Illinois by the Defendants in their stalking hunt to extort money from the Plaintiffs, and a fraudulent divorce designed to extort money from the Plaintiffs as the Defendants hatched a felony scheme that they have enacted for 6-7 years using Federal employees and tainting proceedings. This scheme of divorces involved Waukegan Circuit Ex-Judge Jane Waller 2 twice, her husband Waukegan Ex-States Attorney Micheal Waller, Waukegan Circuit Judge Ukena of Waukegan, Attorney John Joanhem, Attorney Joeseph Poell, and Attorney Rebbeca Whitcome of Waukegan she requested her lying report be sealed and Judge Ukena said yes I will order it sealed if they want it let them find a way to get it, he meant real Feds, because I already was given a copy, that my daughter said was a lie and the lady wrote nothing that was true, it was written to go against me in every extortion tactic way, Attorneys R. Whitcome and J. Poell who were subpoena and refused to answer so we will get an answer in Federal Court. Attorney Poell claimed it was National Security chasing me around causing me problems and it was not safe for me to have my children. 17. US MILITARY, DHS, NATIONAL SECURITY AND LOCAL Police in efforts to keep Plaintiff out of the lime light and destroy his life, thus forcing his family apart, keeping him out of work, holding his kids from his as Waukegan lawyer Joeseph Poell said, its National security that paid for my divorce and holding my kids from me, in his around the subject way. In this criminal act Heartland Foods and Branch Manager Scott Weiler, who Plaintiff has never met, to his knowledge, were contacted and yet another scheme to cover for the crimes of the Federal Judges was born, and Burger King thru Branch Manager Scott Weiler were able to use our Military and Federal resources to commit illegal and criminal acts and actions against Plaintiff and his family as the Federal Justice system has been tainted with false claims for immunity, for those Federal Defendants, which in reality they are not immune, because it is all illegal and outside the scope of their jobs and the law governing sovereign immunity, it is a fact that Burger King under Heartland Foods with Branch Manager Scott Weiler are absolutely not immune to prosecution or free from the civil rights violations and claims brought by the Plaintiff in this suit, making them very much responsible for any parts of this conspiracy led criminal action 7 years continued plot, for entrapment, extortion, blackmail and kidnapping, child endangerment, felony interference with employment, defamation, illegal communications rerouting to keep schemes and plots covered. 18. The Plaintiffs have been subjected to illegal action from 2008 thru 2014 directly from illegal operations led from the Defendants Branch Manager Scott Weiler and Heartland Foods(Burger King) using US Military or Federal Employees being directly paid to commit felonies and illegal actions against Plaintiffs as they have attempted some felony search for money’s that none of the Kinney family member are aware of , and in such they have led a conspiracy using illegal federal employees and agencies in a manner that entitles the Plaintiffs to payments ranging to the amount of 1.6 Billion dollars as per the law the lawsuits that were filed by the Plaintiffs were dismissed by Judges or us Attorney’s paid or participating in these illegal actions using the budgets of the United States to commit illegal actions against the Kinney’s and their children, forced divorces by the conspiracy aid of threats directly from the United States Military and covered by the FBI, DOJ, DOD, Local Police and US Attorney’s, Their illegal actions have spanned from the following states and may result in lawsuits in each state that these Defendants illegally hired Black Ops Military, and local Police, with FBI sitting on their hands pointing at the Military as the parties responsible for the contracted unwarranted felonies , all criminal and all recoverable damages under the law being Burger King is a private entity and not Government owned and operated so their actions require further investigations and prosecutions to their immoral and illegal actions for over 7 years as money paid by the Defendants funded these illegal actions against the Kinney’s they must be held responsible for 100% of the damages, which again range to 1.6 Billion in illegal felony tainted court proceedings. 19. At all times 2007-2014 Plaintiff and his families lives were threatened and placed in danger by the US Military and Federal employees putting rumors led by the Military into the neighborhoods which directly put rapist, drug addicts thieves and low life into the lives of Plaintiff and his family, as they are stalked everyday by any and all low life Military and immigrants the same as it appears that the low life immigrants who received Green Cards from Federal Judges and Courts have also been used to stalk and send rumors around to aid this high level illegal operation led from Chicagos Federal Justice system. All from the coverup attempt by Feds who came up with this operation of Scott Weiler and Burger King to protect Judges who illegally violated the law. 20. At all times Burger King 2008-2014 thru its agent(s) have given the Contracted US Military orders to violate the Plaintiff and his families Civil Rights which even includes child endangerment and paying for illegal contracted blackmail, kidnapping, fake court proceedings interference with employment, ostracizing,threatening, state to state stalking, Obstruction of Justice multiple statutes,.rerouted services and coverup equipment to aid in the illegal operations. 21. Plaintiff was kept from his family by threats made by Heartland and Scott Weilers paid enforcers to hold his family as they came up with felony after felony using all scams, lies. 22. Plaintiff has been stalked harassed and falsely arrested to aid in the setup of the illegal contracted felony operation paid for by the Heartland Foods and Scott Weiler Defendants in this highly illegal scheme. 23. Plaintiff was made aware of these actions by patrons directly or indirectly talking about this large scale threat of my family by US Military trying to steal money,and how Heartland Foods (Burger King) and Scott Weiler asked for these threats and forced actions against Plaintiff and his family from 2007-2013, or set Plaintiff up so his family was to be used as insurance for this illegal setup. 24. Plaintiff Darryl Kinney already has investigations into all Federal agencies from 2008-present, being illegally involved with this extensively expensive felony conspiracy led Civil Rights violation of major proportions that involve defamation and the threats to any and all parties and friends of Plaintiff Darryl Kinney. Plaintiff are of a protected class in the discrimination claims, he is African American, to prevent anymore Federal games in all suits with Plaintiffs names on them. Also the DOJ in Washington, stated every case filed against them is handled by the US Attorneys office in that state, so felonies happened in Atlanta, GA case, check it out no response or Attorney on record, it is again our Federal criminals abusing Power and hiding behind, the hope I do not know it is still them dictating the Illegal activity. 25. Plaintiff has been in Washington DC and Virginia area from 2009, for a year and back now for 4 months and has had every move stalked with the illegal aid of SERTEC LLC his employer who has been making these Federal agencies aware of every move and job Plaintiff goes to and the Federal employees meet Plaint at and on every job posing as fake customers and given Plaintiffs daily calls to Federal agencies by reporting illegally the Plaintiffs GPS positions, now for employer purposes this would be legal but to give it to these other patrons makes it illegal and stalking and requires warrants per the US Supreme Court, and the Defendants did this same thing in Kansas at Blue Dot where they violated the law repeatedly but was not prosecuted because of the crimes of the Defendants stalking they knew of, and again in Illinois at A-1 services the exact same actions, and in Georgia Brian Bergstrom informed the Plaintiff that he was terminated from employment by orders of Federal agents again over stepping there boundaries and subsequently having the plaintiff jailed as part of there plan to create a fictitious story to aid in some Federal set up where Plaintiffs family and relatives were threatened and paid by the Defendants and told to lie but Plaintiff shut them down by repeatedly filing suit against them that they abused power and tainted these lawsuits to keep stalking Plaintiff and forcing his family and children apart as part of the illegal conspiracy scheme. 26. On 8/8/2014 Plaintiff was at Zoes Kitchen in Reston, Va when working a supposed Health inspector showed up claiming these people had a lot wrong the day before, that was now working, but as the manager there told me I had to leave because it was lunch time and I was in there way, so I was leaving when this supposed health inspector said to a collar mic or cell device he did not bring any money here with him, then she said 2 minutes later he is leaving like informing the cops or Military that stalks me everyday to began there everyday chase. 27. Every single call Plaintiff gets for work in Washington DC or Maryland or Virginia the customers are always US Military and Federal employee stalkers talking about me and my family business like its some kind of corrupt game, and every single Hispanic working in the kitchens were told by them to repeat the exact same comments in every single restaurant I go to, every one although different names and states saying the exact same comments about Chicago and the feds and military playing games and worrying if I have money or not. 28. Here are 200 or more Federal employees and Military stalkers as were verified by US Marshal Thomas Shell of GA and Homeland security supposed agent Scott Matthewson of GA who came to my house and told me these were all cops and Military on a mission so do not kill them while they are stalking me and my family around, and this has been for 7 years. Illegal for US Military to be stalking Americans in America and also holding a family as hostages for blackmail or extortion purposes, aided by FBI and local Police. 29. Here are a few of the 200 or more daily followers I have. Illinois first A78 3862 , A48 4213, 789 7914, 989 9758, 670 5442, 772 6268, 741 2868, 983 J633, TERRYL 7, 707 7223, H15 0752, B40 5600, 138 3394, 935 9183, 803 7193, AMEN 23, G58 5694, D52 0542, 957 4001, KF 997, X20 6086, 879 5841, 477 2845, 165 4875, 157 5611, WE 5277, 304 3057, 1431 8346, 559 0419, A66 4154, X75 5075, 568 3528, 805 5017, A15 0197, UH 675, G11 7122, 671 9044, 6902US, 560 585, X170425, 3943US, PEDLEY1, 58630G, G849261, 945 2145, 31280L, KJD76, 15058(nat. guard), 6019748, 448 7963, X36 5800, A16 4921, A15 6287, X90 2036, 653 1850, WHD 683, 639 8827, A66 2167, WISCONSIN 46532M, 40098M, 373 LKU, 615 AJP, 371 DKM, 111 DAK, UDH249, 635 CGF, 812 DLD, TEXAS 168 VRD, 913 MYB, 262 LFY, MICHIGAN BDS 2153, BVB 2298, PENNSYVANIA GGS 4330, and there are so many more, List of Felonies committed by the Actions of Defendants 1. Conspiracy to Committing 2. Obstruction of Justice by Bribery (18 USC 201) 3. Obstruction of Justice by Destruction of Evidence or Harassment (18 USC 1512 (c)(d) 4. Obstruction by Intimidation, Threats, Persuasion, or Deception (18 USC 1512 (b) 5. Obstructing Congressional or Administrative Proceedings (18 USC 1505) 6. Obstructing Federal Courts, (18 USC 1503) 7. Conspiracy to Defraud (18 USC 371) 8. Criminal Contempt of Court 9. Mail and Wire Fraud 10. Obstruction of Justice by Deception (18 USC 1503, 1512, 1001, 1621) Also to be noted, since Plaintiffs have in Washington, and also asked the courts to Investigate as required by law this statute Title 18 U.S.C. § 4. Misprision of felony. Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. REMEDY Plaintiffs ask the court to grant all Civil Rights and Human Rights of him and his family from all future illegal actions by the Defendants, with a stipulation to include all family and friends of Plaintiffs. And prosecute the parties involved for violating many Obstruction statutes including interfering with Court services and proceedings. And 6 or more other Obstruction charges. CONCLUSION After careful review of the Policies of all the Defendants Job descriptions that are readily available on line including the FBI handbook written by ATG Eric Holder on handling of Investigations and Rules and Policies of doing the job they were given, and the IRS also has and available handbook to help even simple minded people with these jobs not over step their boundaries as these Defendants have for 7 years, so in the scopes of their jobs not one of the fore mentioned Defendants have a legal right or argument to stand on or behind, which cover Interference with Employment, Kidnapping, Extortion, Blackmail, Stalking, Interference with Administrative or Court proceedings, Illegal defamation, Illegal Interference with Mail and Wire transmission, Illegal Impersonation of Federal Officers and Schemes associated with it. Each act requires approval and warrants that have never been obtained. This all being said a Civil case must be entered in favor for the Plaintiffs and the Defendants must be brought to Justice and held without bond until all parties can be found and brought to Justice as per the Statements of ATG Eric Holder, for any Illegal operations under which a single DOJ employee is involved. And being that the DOD has no right in any Americans business they must be Court Marshaled and held for prosecution in an Civilian Court or until they are remanded to a Military Court,at which time the US Congress shall decide what further actions to take as they are still Investigating Fast and Furious the same outrageous criminal type activity. Darryl Kinney Pro Se /DWK/ electronically signed _________________________ Darryl Kinney P.O. BOX 9014 ALEXANDRIA, VA 22304 224-927-9443
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 19:07:08 +0000

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