AMERICA GONE WILD! REALITY CHECK! WHY AREN’T WE GETTING TO THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM? I believe that is what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was about to do and that is why he was killed to continue to cover up the lies, deceit, and hypocrisy. When I see these politicians go on mass media and sell these lies, deceit and hypocrisy to the masses, it is another sad day in American history. We must as an American people stop accepting this political rhetoric and take action to rectify the wrong, which is by law part of the constitution to amend it with real laws of true democracy that is not a thousand pages to make a simple law that enforces equal protection to all regardless of statue or status. First off, you have no right to create a constitution on someone’s land to govern when you came from another country and stripped all rights from the rightful land owners, who were Native Americans. Note in the Dred Scott decision that there were two (2) for justice and that was centuries ago, which says today with the masses, we can get a true doctrine that will serve WE THE PEOPLE that is constitutional. Roger B, Taney was the 5th Chief Justice of the United States which was the beginning of the lie, deceit and hypocrisy, not to overlook slavery which was the most unlawful act of genocide that has been the true perpetrator of this ongoing destruction of this nation and humanity. Taney wrote the decision, in which is summarized from an article that makes it more understandable on the Streetlaw website, an organization on the Internet, which this law is more commonly known as the Dred Scott Decision: (“Summary of the Decision - In a 7-2 opinion, a majority of the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Sanford.* Chief Justice Taney wrote the opinion for the Court. The Court first decided that African Americans were not citizens as defined by the Constitution. They then considered the merits of the case, ruling that slaves did not become free simply by entering a free state or a territory that had not yet become a state. This overturned the ruling of the lower federal court, but affirmed the ruling of the Missouri Supreme Court. The Supreme Court first concluded that African Americans were not citizens as defined by the Constitution, and therefore, the Supreme Court and lower federal courts had no jurisdiction to hear this case. The decision cited Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution which gives federal courts the power to hear cases “between Citizens of different States.” To determine the definition of “citizens,” the justices considered the intent of the framers of the Constitution. They noted that at the time the Constitution was written, people of African descent, both slave and free, were “regarded as beings of an inferior order” and were “so far inferior that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect.” Believing that the Court should not “give to the words of the Constitution a more liberal construction …than they were intended to bear when the instrument was framed and adopted,” the Court concluded that people of African descent were not citizens, and could therefore “claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States.” This included the ability to bring suit in federal court. Even though the Court determined that it did not have jurisdiction to hear this case because it did not involve “Citizens of different States,” the justices ruled on the merits of case anyway. They first argued that the power of Congress to regulate the internal workings of the territories that had not yet become states was limited. They concluded that an act of Congress prohibiting citizens from “owning [slaves] in the territor[ies] … is not warranted by the Constitution, and is therefore void.” The Court thereby struck down the Missouri Compromise as unconstitutional because Congress did not have the power under the Constitution to determine whether slavery was allowed in the territories, even those these were not states. In addition, the Court concluded that slaves could not be made free simply by entering a free state or territory. This would deprive slave owners of their property without giving them due process of law as required by the Fifth Amendment. Accordingly, “an act of Congress which deprives a citizen of the United States of his …property, merely because he … brought his property into a particular Territory of the United States” was unconstitutional. The Court held, therefore, that Dred Scott and his family were “property” and were not made free simply by virtue of the fact that they were brought into a free territory. *The defendant in this case case John Sanford, but the Court record misspelled his name, and the Court continues to call the case Dred Scott v. Sandford.) The truth will set all of us free and all of these laws are unconstitutional as first of all there is no law for any man to own another as “his property” merely because a mere man says so. And, if black people are not citizens, nor are those who made these laws citizens, since they “invaded” America from another country of God’s land that is free to all to enjoy in abundance, thus making the lies, deceit, and hypocrisy even more pervasive. I am no one’s property and this is where the lies, deceit and hypocrisy started and must be rectified. How can any man (not gender specific) be another man’s property? There is no law in God’s universe to support this. Our history must be taught because when I was in school, we learned our history, and yes it was a segregated school that taught us the truth, however at that time in the 1960s, we were gunned down, burned down, watered down and everything else inhumanly possible done to destroy black people. Although, I was a young girl, I remember it all and saw it, but not to the extent of my fore-parents who suffered worse atrocities and lived it in the worse way. Now it is a boiling point and it must be corrected to have peace in this nation in which these unconstitutional laws of “In God We Trust” must change to reflect and be enforced to restore God’s original plan of justice and equality for all. Ironically, the Dred Scott decision has roots in Missouri. This is a wake-up call to action and acting, but not violently to cause change and peace to all humans. The original constitution was the origin which was the law of the people which included all people of America. The lie, deceit and hypocrisy started when the original law began to be skewed to make one man less a man than another man after the Bill of Rights which is the start of injustice in the laws to continue to unlawfully enslave and entrap not only black people, but the masses of people and will continue until there is change. I dont concede to unjust laws designed by man to undermine Gods law that all men are created in Gods image to enjoy the abundance of the universe, meaning all have the equal rights to this universe. This has to change as man created this chaos when the few made the decision to influence the many because of their GREED. When we accept this unrighteous by design man-made doctrine that continues to under-mind humanity, lawlessness will continue to plague our nation. Now is the time for the masses to convene and mastermind against this distortion and extortion and create just laws that govern by the people, for the people that serve all humanity. Then we will have a true democracy that creates justice for all. Violence is not the answer, but just laws that grant true freedom to all. Until all men are free, no man is free. Your Power Lies Within You - Let It Loose! Your destiny is your command. The laws must be changed to abide by the human rights that all must have to embrace the true meaning of FREEDOM. FEAR has paralyzed the many for centuries as we have allowed this evil to prevail and our political leaders have been mere seat warmers who continue to allow this injustice and create more injustice by adding more lies, deceit and hypocritical laws as a cover up to this massive injustice. Lets make the lawmakers accountable as we can see how this all started and now is the time to resolve with the only solution to bring peace to our nation. Violence will not change the lies, deceit and hypocrisy, only an understanding of the issue and then removal of these hypocritical law makers who continue to perpetuate the lies and deceit. LIVE - LOVE!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 21:55:50 +0000

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