AMERICA Never in my life have I seen anything like this. Just - TopicsExpress


AMERICA Never in my life have I seen anything like this. Just thinking about it makes me feel weak, my chest tightens and I cant breathe. Weve been through a lot together so I know you can handle the blistering truth but brace yourself...this is so gut wrenching its taken me days to figure out how to talk to you about it. First, promise me something—please. Whatever you do, dont give up—no matter what happens. I desperately need you to stay with us. Im so worried about being able to finance our efforts to get rid of Obama. His fast and furious actions are siphoning our funds faster than we can replenish them. We have a lot to do—letters, faxes, emails, calls, rallies, demonstrations...and I need you to give whatever you can. Let me help you better understand the urgency... Obama is putting America into a lockdown. Ive been warning you that the signs are there—all you have to do is look. Last week the tyrant crystallized his plans for Martial Law. It made physically ill to hear him say hes not going to be waiting for legislation to pass...hes just going to use his pen and his phone to sign executive orders and take executive and administrative actions. His true intent has been revealed: ignore the Constitution and bypass our legislative process so he can implement Martial Law and New World Order. Look, he hired an Executive Order Czar, John Podesta, to help him. Podesta specializes in using Executive Orders to end-run Congress. Hes making a mockery of America and our Constitution. Are you ready to help us stop him? Its as if he has a checklist hes marking off week-by-week. Its frightening and it shakes me to the core. Were marching close to full implementation of Martial Law. Please understand that were facing the mother of all battles here. Obama promised to fundamentally change America and it is the only thing he has told the truth about. He is hell-bent on making good on that promise. First he put his plan into motion by attacking our own military. Hes purging our armed forces of the finest generals and officers at an unprecedented rate. Military budgets have been torched--$1.3 trillion from the Pentagon alone—money that deprives our soldiers of weaponry to defend and protect. The Reprimander in Chief has shredded the morale of our men and women so they feel defeated. He demotes, silences or fires anyone who speaks out against him. Our soldiers have been stripped on their religious freedoms and symbols. Yet this week Washington announced that beard, turbins and long hair would be allowed in the military to accommodate religious beliefs. I dont know about you but this was a WTH moment for me. Who is Obama kowtowing to? Take a guess. By decimating our military he makes America weak and vulnerable. Who will protect us? He will laugh and cheer when we are attacked, taken over and savagely torn apart by terrorists—his friends. Some of them are already in positions in the White House. Secondly, he began his gun grab. With his warped agenda, he has to ensure that American citizens are disarmed and defenseless to fight back. No military, no guns, no revolt. A mass gun grab is already underway. Theyre taking guns away from our veterans and people being treated for even the most minor mental health issues. This week Obama supporter Governor Andrew Cuomo (NY) put a scarlet letter on pro-life, pro-gun rights citizens telling them they were extremists, unwanted in the state of New York. This fits the Obama agenda all the way which is infiltrating America state-by-state, city-by-city, town-by-town. I urge you to look closely and connect the dots to see his real agenda: take down America, declare Martial Law and become supreme dictator. It starts here first but quickly spreads to the international community. Third of all, hes been quietly building his own army and hes going to use it against us. Why else would he hand over unprecedented power to the IRS, NSA, DHS and DOJ? One is charged with targeting conservatives, another spies on American citizens 24/7, the third is stockpiling ammo and other weaponry and the fourth, the DOJ, is making a mockery of our laws, even to go so far as to hand guns to criminals. Can you help us? I beg you to give anything you can no matter how big or small. Help us stop this tyranny and takedown with a donation. Fourth, Obama has launched his psychological warfare campaign. In addition to demoralizing our military he has done the very same thing with American citizens. He WANTS to make us feel so utterly defeated that we give up and give in. Newsflash DC dirt bag: were not giving up nor are we giving in! Are you with me? Show me what youve got—your patriotism, your strength, the courage and guts to fight this with us. Im going to go out on a limb here and will say that by now, you probably have that same sick to your stomach feeling. I dont want to make it worse but theres something else you need to know... Obama is handing over US sovereignty to the foreign nations. This is a deliberate attempt to launch New World Order. Let me tell you: hell do whatever it takes. Thats why he is subverting the Constitution...perverting our laws...mitting fraud...and telling bold-faced lies. Hes planning on giving away control of our oceans to the UN (already announced his plan) and has been secretly working to ram through Congress an outrageous free trade agreement. Written in black and white in a recently leaked memo is Obamas vile intent to fully surrender US sovereignty. Under this agreement, even the US Supreme court would be null and void. Our laws would be totally useless. This has to stop but we cannot do it without you. The power of the people is what will help us succeed in our efforts to oust Obama any way we can. Our first line of defense against this tyranny and reckless lawlessness should be Congress...but our elected officials are failing us. Its up to us to fight it—this is a fight for our lives, our future, our freedoms and beliefs. That means letters, faxes, emails and calls all across grassroots American as well as massive tweeting, posting on FB, YouTube videos, news media articles, petitions and more. Together we have to rally family, friends, neighbors, co-workers anyone we can. Theres an entire list of cities, towns and rural areas where weve mapped out rallies, demonstrations, protests and town hall meetings that need to take place. These things do not magically appear—it takes a ton of money and people power to pull off. In fact, Retired Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely is calling on citizens to band together—stand up to the government and just say NO! at a massive march in DC this spring. Vallely is also calling for a vote of no confidence. Still others like top Tea Party brass and other military leaders are actively developing a strategy to storm DC and take back America. We have to support them every way we can but even our surplus is almost wiped out. Dont hold out. Donate what you can to stop Martial Law and Obamas complete takeover of America. If you have no confidence in Obama and his plans for America then help us. We have hundreds of thousands of points of contact to make—its a 24/7 job to rally our masses, the true Patriots of America. We are willing to go all-out for you, to give up everything to make this happen. As long as youre willing to back us up, we wont stop until Obamas OUT. Failure is NOT an option. I need you more than ever. Can you help? Steve Eichler CEO Tea Party P.S. - Oh hold up! Before I forget, please sign the petition to IMPEACH OBAMA. Ask your friends and family and everyone you know to sign it, too. FORWARD This Email TO A FRIEND This email is never sent unsolicited. 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Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 16:57:05 +0000

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