AMERICA, THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY.. In our Country, The United - TopicsExpress


AMERICA, THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY.. In our Country, The United States Of America, ANY, Man or Woman, can and does have the best shot at, The Sky is the Limit opportunity to become whatever they reasonably want, and are willing to WORK to achieve.. Please re read that simple statement again, carefully, and absorb the undeniable truth the message conveys, because they are Absolute Facts, Clear and Simple.. If you wish to take something away from this message, that can change the way you look at life, and capitalize on what and how you can achieve your personal goals, those words and this message could/should/will, open those doors.. My reputation may proceed me, in saying that I am writing this to attack this current administration, one that I clearly have great difficulty with its policies and agenda, but try to withhold your judgment until I have stated my message, because that is is not my intention at all.. Our problems are systemic, and our drift away from our Founding Principles have been eroding long before this administration and the past few.. Quite simply, this nation, with its unambiguous Constitution, and carefully crafted Bill Of Rights, has succeed for over two hundred years to remove as many of the obstacles, and insured the best of the opportunities, for the greatest number of citizens, that have inhibited all previous attempts of governance over their people throughout the history of this world.. Is this government Perfect? Not even close, Is this way life, the only way? Well, so far its the best that has been tried, and that isnt debatable.. We are still young in the big picture, and we are still experimenting at the edges, but no one can deny that until now, we are the best of the best.. Now, lets get something straight first and foremost, I am no Constitutional scholar, or an especially chosen representative of We The People, but I am seasoned, meaning old enough the span several general generations and am closer to the original mindset of the early American experience, in and out of business, than most.. Plus, I have played brilliant minded characters, on TV and in a movie, which appears to be a major qualification in this culture, so if George Clooney, Jay Z, Madonnas, or President Obama, for that matter, opinions have weight, I am much older and heavier than any of them.. But I digress.. The Preamble of YOUR CONSTITUTION reads as follows; We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Words, and more words, are cheap if they are creatively crafted, and are assembled in such a way to further an agenda and achieve a preplanned result.. This doesnt mean that they arent true, but they are reduced to a memorable phrase or plant an idea, or ideal, that meets the needs of the writer and the intended reader.. But words are all we have to communicate the messages that exchange ideas, that with pictures are the most effective methods to get to the point, so you must not only read the words, you MUST UNDERSTAND what they mean.. Understanding the Preamble.. The Preamble can be dissected into very important phrases. All of these phrases are vital in understanding the purpose of the United States Constitution, and what the framers actually meant to convey.. We the people: This phrase means all the citizens of the United States of America. Even though the Constitution was written up by many of the most well-educated men of their new country, the rights given under the document were given to ever and all American citizens.. History proved that to be wrong, but they were wise enough to create a document that left room to correct their own shortcomings, which we did at great personal, economical, and political costs.. In order to form a more perfect union: Our previous government was based on a list of, Articles of Confederation, which were quite limited. When the Framers wrote this, they felt that they were making new government that would improve the method to govern their country.. Establish justice: Our Revolution against England was still fresh in the minds of the founders and important to the American citizens, so they wanted to make sure that they would have fair and equal justice under this Constitution, and not have a repeat of a nation where some were more favored than others.. Think about that, and apply this to our current status, where we are establishing a political class that holds itself above others of different beliefs or political ideologies.. We are a Representative Government that gets the Government we ask for, and many say, we deserve.. Insure domestic tranquility: One of the main reasons why our Constitutional Convention was held was in part, because of the Shays’ Rebellion. This was an uprising of farmers in Massachusetts against the state, for having to repay war debts. Citizens were worried with the peacekeeping within the countrys borders.. Of course, it went far beyond that limited goal but it was obvious to the framers that this development, that it applies to future and unforeseen confrontations.. Provide for the common defense: There was still a great chance in our new nation, of being attacked by other countries or forces, both Foreign and Domestic.. No individual state had the power to defend itself against attacks. Because of this, the Framers knew that it was important for the states, and more importantly, the Federal Government, to establish a formidable military, and defend the nation by individual state, and together.. Promote the general welfare: This phrase meant that the well-being of the citizens would be taken care of as well as possible by the people of each state, and if needed, the Federal government.. The word Promote has meaning in and of itself, is very important in this document.. It by no means what some would wish it to mean, or imagine it to be interrupt it to convey.. It states clearly that it is the goal of our Constitution, to avoid any inhibiting regulations or restrictions and would protect the people of our Nation, from intentional oppression from its own Government.. NO GUARANTEES, NO SURE OUTCOMES, and especially NO FREE RIDE.. Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity: The point of this phrase in the Preamble, and the constitution as a whole was to help protect the countrys hard-earned rights for liberty, unjust laws, and freedom from a tyrannical government.. LIBERTY, as defined then as now; 1. freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control. 2. freedom from external or foreign rule; independence. 3. freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc.; power or right of doing, thinking, speaking, etc., according to choice. 4. freedom from captivity, confinement, or physical restraint.. Lets stand back a moment and think about this.. Have we wandered off the reservation a bit, especially recently, but in truth, we have been chipping away from that stated commandment so clearly documented without footnote, for a very long time.. Ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America: This last phrase of the Preamble is a powerful statement saying that the people made this document, and the people give the country its power.. The word ORDAINED, was of particular interest to these great men in establishing a document that carried a great weight in their collective minds and of a statement of that commitment to those who were to live under its controls; 1. to invest with ministerial or sacerdotal functions; confer holy orders upon. 2. to enact or establish by law, edict, etc.: to ordain a new type of government. 3. to decree; give orders for: He ordained that the restrictions were to be lifted. 4. (of God, fate, etc.) to destine or predestine: Fate had ordained the meeting. 5. to order or command: Thus do the gods ordain. Nothing in this decree carries more authority in the eyes of these men, than to state to you , then as NOW, this is of the utmost seriousness and unwavering, that we mean business and no one can take away what they believed GOD Hath Given, no man shall take away.. They saved the best for last.. Amen GOD BLESS AMERICA.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 17:13:57 +0000

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