AMERICA, TREY GOWDY GRILLS PIERSON SECRET SERVICE DIRECTOR. ON THE WHITE HOUSE SECURITY BREACHES. VIDEO 7ms.16s. https://youtube/watch?v=PwK3Q73Kd4E WASHINGTON — Secret Service Director Julia Pierson appeared before a House committee Tuesday after mounting disclosures about dramatic White House security breaches. Piersons appearance before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee marked the directors first public statements about how an Army veteran managed to scale a perimeter fence on Sept. 19 and burst into the White House where he made it all the way to the mansions East Room before he was stopped.The Washington Post reported Tuesday that it was an off-duty Secret Service agent who was leaving for the night who finally tackled him. Initial reports about the breach indicated that Omar Gonzalez, armed with a knife, had been stopped immediately inside the front door. Pierson, who took over as director of the Secret Service 18 months ago, was also questioned closely about a 2011 incident in which the agency failed to recognize that the White House had been struck by several rounds of gunfire until damage was found days later by staffers. CONTINUE READING AT USATODAY LINK BELOW: usatoday/story/news/politics/2014/09/30/secret-service-breach-hearings/16470265/
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 18:25:50 +0000

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