AMERICAN FASCISM. “Fascism should more appropriately be called - TopicsExpress


AMERICAN FASCISM. “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.” — Benito Mussolini. Corporatism revealed itself this week in a small tuft of wheat that would not die. What did die was Oregon’s $500 million wheat export business. Farmers can not bring lawsuits against Monsanto because of a law, the “Monsanto Protection Act,” just recently signed by President Obama that protects Monsanto from lawsuits over any health risks related to their GMO seeds. Michael Taylor, appointed by Obama to be the Deputy Commissioner for Foods, was a VP at Monsanto. The FDA assures us that GMOs are safe. The FDA does not test GMOs for safety but just rubber-stamps non-peer reviewed studies from Monsanto as evidence. Monsanto’s aggressive tactics have allowed them to control over 70 percent of the world’s food supply. Monsanto is controlling any research that would expose their company to the death of honey bees by buying Beelogics, the major research firm devoted to studying the effects of chemicals on bee colony collapse. The only thing we have left to fight back against this corporatism is hope that a consumer grassroots revolution will flourish. After Pandora opened the box of evils the only thing left in the box was hope. eugeneweekly/20130613/letters-editor/letters-editor-6-13-2013
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 01:42:08 +0000

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