AMERICAN HEART IS AN EAGLE THE CENSORSHIP OF POETIC ART Ricardo Antonio Garcia Some of us are relics and others are salvaged. Disorientating minds chase the deep within themselves searching for hope in the fathoms rising slowly to the World in which they left. We live on the oxygen of God for mankind’s air is a toxic waste of acids, eating at whatever has been created, like you the critic and mastermind of censorship.. We shut the mouths of expression because our egos created the guidelines, and we despair when we realize that rules are always meant to be broken by the mavericks. Diving into the aquatic domains of fear the ropes tighten around our necks as we suffer and beg for mercy to hide our eyes from the pure ignorance and defeat of truths. Bubbles of air are bubbles of forfeitures unprimed definitions of our characters Will flaking away like a household paint, particled like the fragments of our despair. The Will of Censorship are irons created to defeat the rise and fall of these waters when all of us finally submerge our heads trying to rediscover our Souls. How shall a mouth possess the strength to bind the liberties of conception? I am dismayed of dark controlling Spirits that dictate what and where you should eat the contaminants of freedoms that discharges a heresy to their thinking minds. We are all talking heads and by our numbers the volatility of our voices conflict and dismember our franchises by robbing each other of our most precious gift. Freedom. Surrounding yourself with like minds will suffocate the conquest design of these merchants and liquidate their activities among us. While some us have the Will to take orders the American heart is an Eagle.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 02:23:55 +0000

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