AMERICAN INTERNET is GARBAGE - SETH ANNUNAKI = PAID OUT TERRORISTS in HOLLYWOOD and VEGAS - PHOENIX RISING = HAVE FUN 666 answers/Q/How_did_Jesus_coming_fulfill_the_prophecies_of_Isaiah One Sabbath day, centuries ago... Jesus went to church. He went to the synagogue in His hometown of Nazareth on the Sabbath as was His custom, whenever He was in town and not in Capernaum, where He also had a home... and was handed the scroll [book] of Isaiah to read. When He finished reading the passage that He chose from Isaiahs book [the beginning of chapter 61]... He ended it abruptly at a specific place, closed it and told those present: ...This day is this Scripture fulfilled in your ears. (Luke 4:21) The fulfilled prophecies were: ...The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me; He has appointed Me to PREACH GOOD NEWS [the Gospel] to the poor; He has sent Me to HEAL THE BROKENHEARTED and to ANNOUNCE THAT CAPTIVES SHALL BE RELEASED and THE BLIND SHALL SEE, that the DOWNTRODDEN SHALL BE FREED from their oppressors, and that GOD IS READY TO GIVE BLESSINGS TO ALL WHO COME TO HIM. (Luke 4:18 LVB Living Bible) These were all things that Jesus both personally fulfilled and/or set into motion, that His disciples and all who would follow Him down through the centuries would continue to fulfill through the Power of the Holy Spirit. But, ALL of Isaiahs prophecies werent fulfilled that Sabbath day in Nazareth. Because JESUS STOPPED READING at the place of the prophecy that HE WOULD FULFILL AT THE TIME OF HIS SECOND COMING. The next part of Isaiahs prophecy where Jesus stopped reads: ...and the DAY OF HIS WRATH TO THEIR ENEMIES... (Isa.61:2 LVB). Jesus hasnt fulfilled that prophecy, yet. A TIME, YET AHEAD OF US, OF HIS RETURN TO ESTABLISH THE KINGDOM OF GOD ON EARTH -- which is the Good News that He preached about the first time. This, as yet, future prophetic fulfillment is what makes up the majority of Bible prophecy... both the major and minor prophets of God. The Bible calls this time: the Day of the Lord! And the world has not seen this side of Jesus, yet. Sound the alarm in Jerusalem! Let the blast of the warning trumpet be heard upon My Holy Mountain! Let everyone tremble in fear, for THE DAY OF THE LORDS JUDGMENT APPROACHES. It is a Day of darkness and gloom, of black clouds and thick darkness. What a mighty army! It covers the mountains like night! How Great, how powerful these people are! (Joel 2:1-2 LVB) THE LORD LEADS THEM WITH A SHOUT. This is His mighty army and they follow His orders. THE DAY OF THE JUDGMENT OF THE LORD IS AN AWESOME, TERRIBLE THING. Who can endure it? (verse 11) This is THE SECOND PART of the prophecy that Jesus stopped short of reading about in Isaiahs book. This wasnt the purpose of His FIRST COMING. Jesus first coming was an INVITATION to men to repent and be spared what is coming on the earth in the Day of the Lord. That is why the Lord says, Turn to Me now, while there is still time. Give Me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, mourning... (Joel 2:12 LVB). Jesus hasnt fulfilled ALL of Isaiahs prophecies [or those of the rest of His prophets] yet.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 23:04:43 +0000

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