AMERICAN MILITIA ARRIVES ! ! ! Hundreds of Militia vehicles with - TopicsExpress


AMERICAN MILITIA ARRIVES ! ! ! Hundreds of Militia vehicles with many hundreds of Militia personal from States ALL OVER the Union, ARRIVE TO RESTORE American State Sovereignty and individual SOVEREIGNTY per our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws over our elected Washington D.C. Republican and Democrat enemies of our Bill of Rights. For this OPERATION BUNDY FREEDOM is NOT about cattle or land. It is about our elected usurping tyrants to obey OUR Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws, word for word. These Supreme Laws of the Land limit them to the eighteen powers and spending granted them under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution, per the LEGAL definition of the terms “general welfare”, “regulate” in the commerce clause, and the “as necessary and proper” clause as penned by the very hands of the Framers. Each one of these terms LEGALLY means EXACTLY the diametric opposite of what we have all been led, by the nose, to believe, according to the writings of the Founding Fathers. All other powers and spending, according to the RULE OF LAW, are RESERVED to the States and the people; along with our Middle Class GROSS wages and salaries, free of withholding taxes, employment taxes and income taxes in accord with the findings and rulings of The Supreme Court of The United States; The ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment confers NO NEW TAXES on anyone who wasnt taxable before it. Restoration of OUR laws, to full force and affect, will DOUBLE the current size of all American Middle Class weekly paychecks; so that WE and our free and sovereign home Countries can decide what WE want to do with our wages and salaries ! We encourage THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and each of their home Countries to compel their State legislators to sponsor and pass Joint State Sovereignty Resolutions WITH ARREST PROVISIONS so that with its VITAL companion legislation all State Law Enforcement Agencies, all County Sheriff Departments, all State National Guard Units and all County Sheriff facilitated Constitutional Militia will be prepared, with Constitutional edification, to SUPPORT, DEFEND and RESTORE our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws against all enemies, both elected and their jackbooted minions of treachery, oppression and subjugation. For it is with these very Constitutionally crafted State legislative actions and tools that our States shall be able to commence well contemplated, well deliberated, well organized, well orchestrated incremental State nullification of ALL Federal spending, all usurpation, and all UNLAWFUL Acts of Congress and the Executive branch since the 1913 Trifecta of Tyranny and Treason that exceed the limits WE granted them under Article I Section 8 of The Constitution. Along with these incremental State nullifications, ENFORCED by our State Law Enforcement Agencies, shall be State incremental nullification of all withholding taxes, employment taxes and income taxes in compliance with the findings and rulings of the SCOTUS. Deo volente https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=tfOVg5R4ngA - Capt. Karl
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 02:54:01 +0000

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