AMERICAN VALUES March 11, 2014 by Gary L. Bauer Senate Liberals - TopicsExpress


AMERICAN VALUES March 11, 2014 by Gary L. Bauer Senate Liberals Talk About The Weather Last night Senate liberals launched an unusual filibuster. It wasnt technically a filibuster because they were not trying to block a bill. They wanted to talk about the weather. They really wanted to talk about the weather. They talked all night long and well into the morning -- for 30 hours! They took this unusual action to highlight what they claim is the growing danger from climate change. But the move has left many in the liberal media scratching their heads. USA Today noted: The … effort is cause for some confusion because these senators are calling for action in a chamber they control but without any specific legislation to offer up for a vote, or any timetable for action this year. One Washington Post columnist wrote: This may be the first time in history that a group of senators filibustered themselves. …The problem is that Reid doesnt have the votes in his caucus to pass such a measure. …the last time the Senate considered a fee on carbon emissions, 13 Democrats joined with all 45 Republicans in defeating it. Be glad they did. Like every liberal scheme, the lefts way of addressing climate change is through massive tax increases, bigger government and more control over your life. You dont have to take my word for it. In a moment of unusual candor, Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) once admitted that the lefts carbon cap and trade scheme was a great big tax. Billionaire investor Warren Buffett has called cap and trade a huge tax and a regressive tax, meaning it hurts the poor the most. What might such a huge and regressive tax look like? Skyrocketing electricity prices. Food prices could skyrocket too. And gas prices could rise to $7.00 a gallon. Who could possibly think any of this is a good idea? Die-hard socialists who admit, If you take climate change seriously, you do have to throw out the free-market playbook, which may include as many as 30 United States senators based on last nights speakers. Left-Wing Intolerance On Display Some liberals claimed that last nights talk-a-thon was necessary to draw attention to the issue. But Big Media is already in the tank for the lefts agenda. For several years now, NBC has devoted an entire week to pushing climate change. Worse, the networks refuse to provide any balance to their coverage, literally ignoring scientists and experts who dare to question their liberal dogma. Last night Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid put the lefts increasing intolerance for dissent on full display. Reid said, Its time to stop acting like those who ignore this crisis … have a valid point of view. Its a phrase Reid has used before. In fact, that is the attitude the left is adopting on more and more issues. The belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, the publicly held position of the president of the United States just a few years ago, is equated with bigotry by the left. Those who question climate change are labeled climate deniers, as if they are somehow similar to Holocaust deniers. But the science is far from settled. Are SUVs responsible for melting ice caps on Mars? The computer models that Al Gore and other global warmmongers rely on are frequently wrong. A recent Harvard study concluded that the earth was warmer during the Middle Ages than today. Its impossible to blame that on coal plants that did not exist 1,000 years ago. A few hundred years ago, Europe and North America suffered through the Little Ice Age, and there is evidence suggesting we may be entering another dramatic cooling period. Unfortunately, the left simply wants to silence the debate and force its big government, redistributionist agenda on the country. This is a very undemocratic and dangerous tendency.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 18:37:04 +0000

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