AMERICAS FUTURE REFLECTED IN DETROITS BANKRUPTCY...UNLESS Americans Break Free From Progressives Downward Debt & Death Spiral Today! by David M. Bradshaw Publisher, Idea Factory Press Today We Are Witnessing Progressivisms Last Stand! Detroit was to be a workers paradise, a symbol of Progressive success. Instead, it has become a symbol of Big Government failure, corruption, violence and decay. In 2013, after a great withdrawal of more than a million productive residents, once-great Debtroit became the largest American city ever to declare bankruptcy. THE GREAT WITHDRAWAL: How the Progressives 100-Year Debasement of America and the Dollar Ends by Craig R. Smith and Lowell Ponte explores why Detroit failed, why other liberal cities may soon follow, and how this could drag America into insolvency and prolonged Depression. It explores the bizarre Nanny Statist Progressive movement that took power in America in 1913 and has driven America on a 100-Year Detour away from the ideals of our nations Founders and towards the stagnation of Euro-socialist welfare states. Smith and Ponte, in this their fourth book, look at how Progressivism has used addiction to welfare and easy money, as well as psychological manipulation politics from crisis-ocracy and the herd inside our heads to the sinister brain science techniques known as nudge to win elections, manufacture consent, impose invisible taxes, and control us. Progressives now feel their power slipping away as Americans are withdrawing from a century of hypnotic control. This, argue Smith and Ponte, is why a desperate Left is turning to naked force – financial repression, rule by decree, regulution, crony capitalism, seizures and wealth redistribution, and politicized government agencies including the IRS and NSA to keep their hold on government power. The Good News ... About The Bad News! These power grabs will fail, predict monetary expert Smith and former think tank futurist Ponte, because Progressives are obsessed with obsolete centralization and expansion of government power. Progressives are doomed, even if they cling to power, to rule a nation that their policies have put into an economic death spiral towards a new Dark Age. The path back to the Framers prosperous Constitutional Republic, Smith and Ponte write, will decentralize and return Power to the People via the Internet, 3-D printing, decentralized energy, honest money, small government and individual self-reliance. They offer a road map back to the ideals Americans held before the very alien European ideology of collectivist Progressivism steered our nation off course exactly 100 years ago. One by one, authors Craig Smith and Lowell Ponte, sweep up the broken pieces of the shattered attempt by Progressives to turn America into a giant Debtroit now... before its too late! THE GREAT WITHDRAWAL explains how Americans can put a stop to government spending, taxing and wasting of resources upon a bankrupt ideology, which produces anti-growth economic policies. As a result of our present political and economic mess, freedom-loving Americans have begun a historic withdrawal march - withdrawing their resources, time and talent in search of a restoration of self, family and smaller government. Shrinking todays Progressive federal government will clear the way for fundamental, Constitutionally- correct government and sound money to again thrive to preserve citizens wealth for future generations. Early Praise For The Book: THE GREAT WITHDRAWAL Craig Smith and Lowell Ponte have done it again! THE GREAT WITHDRAWAL is another book of slashing insight, cutting through the kudzu of Progressive thought control to reveal the oldest truth: Freedom works. -ROGER HEDGECOCK, Host, Roger Hedgecock Show Feel like your pockets have holes in them? In 520 B.C. the prophet Haggai provided the first inflation definition on record: Your wages disappear as though you put them in pockets filled with holes. In THE GREAT WITHDRAWAL Craig and Lowell teach us how to stitch up our financial holes - before its too late! -RAY LUCIA, Host, Ray Lucia Show News Flash: We never left the 2008 Great Recession. The American economy is already devastated by debt bigger than our $16 Trillion annual national income! In five short years have undergone the fundamental transformation into a European-style Welfare State. Within these pages you will discover key economic solutions to our century-long detour from the free market- small government our Founders brilliantly established. -PAT BOONE, Entertainer, Author An Amazing Offer From The Publisher For You Today! To help Americans prepare for what could be the greatest economic crisis of our lifetime (as well as the greatest opportunity to advance freedom and liberty in our great nation) Idea Factory Press is willing to send you a FREE COPY of THE GREAT WITHDRAWAL to every American willing to read it and then send a one paragraph review of the book. Thats right, FREE! (a $20 value in bookstores!) Register here for a FREE book THE GREAT WITHDRAWAL OR call 800-289-2646. Register here for YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GREAT WITHDRAWAL. - FREE in this special offer! Discover why gold and silver are real money to provide for your family and to help fight and win the economic and ideological battles ahead. Click Here for your FREE copy of THE GREAT WITHDRAWAL
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 01:35:13 +0000

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