AMERICAS/GLOBE [ANNAPOLIS WAGES WAR on DADS!! or SCANDAL in the ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND Statehouse!!!] -- REFORM the GLOBAL EMBARRASSMENT of ANNAPOLIS FAMILY LAW COURTS, THE $2B+ FASCIST RACKET AGAINST FATHERS before AMERICA BURNS!!!!!! . ANNAPOLIS CORRUPTION & POWERFUL SYSTEMATIC PUBLIC ABUSE is a CANCER AGAINST FATHERS, the DISABLED, children and FAIR CITIZENS who love them ... FASCISM in the ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND Statehouse!!! . The VIDEO TAPE does NOT lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! > FARSE MEDIATION SETUPS!!! > STRONG ARMING!!! > SPECIAL COURT of APPEALS COVERUPS!!! > NO WHERE for MEN to GO!!! > STATE SANCTIONED CHILD ABDUCTIONS!!! > COMPLETE INJUSTICE AGAINST JOB CREATOR MEN!!! > DADS TEACH SKILLS!!! . DEFUND THE GOVERNMENT to ZERO UNTIL JUSTICE is RETURNED and INJUSTICE is met with STREET JUSTICE!!! . Apparently, REAL MEN DO NOT MATTER in ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND and there is a COVERUP to protect ANNAPOLIS $2B+ Family Law RACKET!!!!!! . https://facebook/photo.php?v=4103227420538&set=vb.1278564837&type=3&theater . Annapolis, Maryland is N.O.W. the epicenter of moral bankrupcy because NO Maryland politicians are taking on the third rail of political corruption, which is the $2B RACKET of SYSTEMATIC PUBLIC ABUSE that is run by the Annapolis, Maryland Senate Judiciary Committee members past, present and future!!!!!!! . Why wont Annapolis (They) pass such a bill for Maryland Judicial RACKETEERING ABUSE VICTIMS? ... Lets do a quick Q&A: . 1Q. They have been/are practicing GENOCIDE by systematically abusing us? . 1A. If convicted for systematic GENOCIDE, they face the gas chamber. . 2Q. They have been assessing an illegal, invisible tax on people they do not like? . 2A. If convicted for systematic TAX abuse and REPRESSION, they can be hung. . 3Q. They have been MONEY LAUNDERING with our taxes? . 3A. If caught, they can have their assets seized, jail time, etc. . 4Q. They have blocked Family Law Reform to keep the $2B+ RACKET going? . 4A. If caught, they face jail time, asset seizure, loss of BAR racket mechanism. . 5Q. They have set up a complex farse network of helplines and money funnels? . 5A. If caught, they will be prosecuted for money laundering, racketeering, etc. . 6Q. They have been offshoring money plundered from the middle class? . 6A. They will be hunted down globally by angry parents and patriots. . MD BAR: It is well past the time to admit that you where caught ROADBLOCKING REFORMS!! . HEREIN LIES THE PROOF of your CRIMES AGAINST We The People: KAPOW UNAMERICAN ANNAPOLIS CLEPTOCRATIC ELITIST LAWYERS!! . KAPOW!! you UNAMERICAN FASCIST TYRANT SYSTEMATIC PUBLIC ABUSER PIGS!! . tp . Ted Palmer Forensic C.P.A. (Ret.) Disabled Legal Abuse Victim in MD Family Law Courts & Father of Two Innocent Children That Are BEING HELD FOR EXTORTION By The Annapolis JUDICIALs $2B+ RACKET & CORRUPTION!! . ------ . The TRUTH on ANNAPOLIS JUDICIAL CORRUPTION!! ... LEARN THE WHOLE BACKSTORY & BREAKING INVESTIGATION by visiting the links HEREIN: https://facebook/TedPalmerRockvilleMD/posts/10203502388341864 . This is WHY YOUR TAXES ARE TOO HIGH & WHY MARYLANDERS ARE BEING FORCED to FLEE FROM THE STATE!! . PLEASE READ, SHARE TO EDUCATE AND LOBBY for AN END to THE ANNAPOLIS JUDICIALS $2B+ RACKET of SYSTEMATIC ABUSE AGAINST the PUBLIC NOW!! . MARCH!! (This is your call to action!!/June 13 at the State House to DEMAND HANGINGS!!) . #MDPOLITICS #STOPCHILDABUSEFORPROFIT #ANNAPOLIS #MARYLAND #WDC #VIRGINIA #BEYONDBOUNDS #MoCo #mdga2014 #MDCONS
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 19:01:09 +0000

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