AMERICAS MOST WANTED Praise be to God, for He has called us out - TopicsExpress


AMERICAS MOST WANTED Praise be to God, for He has called us out of the darkness and into His marvelous light. We have been given unto us His Spirit through Christ Jesus our Lord & Saviour. We are taught the love of God through the display of life which our Lord walked, Jesus Christ and the Spirit teaches us through the life which we now walk in. Rom 5:19 For as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. Rom 5:20 Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: Rom 5:21 That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. Eph. 2: 1-10 We were once dead in our trespasses and sins, but by the grace of God we now live. The Spirit of our Lord teaches us to correct what we may have wronged, but in order to correct something we also have to recognize what it is that we must correct. We may not like how we get corrected, but if we know it is from the Spirit of God we should not put up a defense, if we do, then we are fighting a fight which we are unable to win. Gods grace is great upon our lives and when we are able to recognize this, then the more confident we become to let go of our lives unto the Spirit of God. There is a great liberty in the Spirit of God, which enables us to do all things, if however, what we do is offensive to others then we should not do them for their sakes. We have to learn to listen to the direction of our Spirit and walk in obedience unto Him, if we are not understanding what is being done, then we need to ask. 2Co 3:14 But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ. 2Co 3:15 But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart. 2Co 3:16 Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away. 2Co 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2Co 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. The Spirit of God amazes this heart of mine, for He is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. However, the spirit of the air does not want us to believe so and so many walk in the chains of bondage. We learn as we walk and are open to the Spirit of our Lord. The disciples moved according to the Spirit of God and they were obedient unto Him. They were captured for preaching the Word of God, bound and in prison. God sent forth his angel and released them. In the eyes of the world they are now escaped convicts, however, they did not hide. They went back to doing what they had done before, preach the Word and now they wanted to kill them. Praise God for His intervention upon our lives, He placed one to speak life on their behalf. The disciples were willing to do all that God has commanded them to do, even leave as fugitives in the eyes of this world knowing that their lives are in His hands. Obedience, sacrifice a price they were willing to pay. Are we? They still suffered for the actions which they followed, but still rejoiced, for they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. Jesus we ask thee Lord, with our hearts humble before thee, create our walk to be pleasant in thy sight. Equip us to endure in the obedience or sacrifice according to thy will. Jesus if we suffer for thy names sake we ask for thy Comforter to come and minister unto us and if we stand to be corrected then let us not have a bitter heart, but one of thanksgiving in thy name, Jesus, complete us in thy hands this day. Amen ACTS 5 28 Saying, Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name? and, behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this mans blood upon us. 29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. 30 The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. 31 Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. 32 And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him. 33 When they heard that, they were cut to the heart, and took counsel to slay them. 38 And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: 39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God. 40 And to him they agreed: and when they had called the apostles, and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. 41 And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. 42 And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ. KJV
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 14:25:54 +0000

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