AMERICAS SAVES WEEK SWEEPS THE NATION FEB. 24 A Week of Saving toPut More Dollars in Americans Pockets. The week of Feb 24. through March 1, America Saves is running a promotion called America Saves Week. As one of the lead Wisconsin Saves Coordinating organizations the Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation is proud to announce involvement once again. The week is a time set aside annually to help Americans promote good savings behaviors. The America Saves Week theme is Set a Goal. Make a Plan. Save Automatically. The week is a time for Americans to review their finances, decide what to save for, and set up a system that will allow automatic savings. During America Saves Week, WWBIC is hosting several different events. The week kicks off with “Your Spending, Your Savings, Your Future” workshop from 6-7:30pm is free and will be held at the Central Library on Feb. 25. Saving Through Tax Refunds on Feb. 26 from 12-1:30pm and another free course is being held at WWBIC. WWBIC is also hosting an online class from 12-1:30pm on Friday, Feb. 27 called Road to Credit Repair. Social events and activities during America Saves Week to get involved with include three Tweet Chats and a Google Hangout. The #CreditChat on Twitter will be hosted by Experian with special guest America Saves, the #WBChat hosted by Wise Bread on How to Develop Saving Habits, and #eXASchat will be hosted by Money Talk. The Google Hangout will also be hosted by Experian. This year, The Cooperative Extension system is launching an online “2014 America Saves Challenge.” The program is free and will run a duration of five weeks from Feb. 23 to March 29. Prizes shall be awarded to participants who report the highest point totals at the end of each week and challenge. Incorporated in 1987 The Wisconsin Womens Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC) is a statewide economic development corporation providing quality business and financial awareness education and access to capital to individuals For more information on Wisconsin SAVES or WWBIC – wwbic and
Posted on: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 20:18:06 +0000

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