AMSJ 53.4 (2014): 73–94. Of Science and Excess: Jacob Riis, - TopicsExpress


AMSJ 53.4 (2014): 73–94. Of Science and Excess: Jacob Riis, Anzia Yezierska, and the Modernist Turn in Immigrant Fiction by Nihad M. Farooq ...[T]he study of the literary and ethnographic projects of Americanization in the realist and modernist periods of Riis and Yezierska must necessarily be considered transnational projects, for to examine the inauguration of American modernity through discourses of race and ethnicity that remapped the American landscape and to examine immigrant literature beyond just “a ritual enacting Americanization,” one must look to other narratives of imperialism, evolution, and, of course, kinship stories that move within and beyond “national archetypes” and the stories of “Anglo-Protestant” forefathers (88–89). Nihad M. Farooq is Assistant Professor of American Studies in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. Her primary research interests are in American, African American, and Atlantic Studies, particularly transatlantic epistemologies of race and science in the long nineteenth century.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 23:18:26 +0000

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