AN ADDRESS DELIVERED BY NZE MAGNUS EZE, COORDINATOR, OKPOSI DEVELOPMENT CENTRE ON THE OCCASION OF NIGERIA’S 54TH INDEPENDENCE ANNIVERSARY AND 18 YEARS OF THE CREATION OF EBONYI STATE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2014 AT GOVERNMENT FIELD, ENUAKWA, OKPOSI. PROTOCOL I welcome and thank you all for making out time to celebrate with our country, Nigeria on this auspicious occasion. Today is very special and remarkable in our nation’s history for obvious reason. It is our National Day; the 54th Anniversary of our nation’s Independence. And for those of us from this part of the globe, called Ebonyi State; The Salt of the Nation became a reality on October 1, some 18 years ago. So, for us in Ebonyi State, today means ‘double Independence’ and could be said to be our FREEDOM DAY. As a nation, Nigeria has made its mark in the comity of nations; standing out as the Giant of Africa. As a nation, Nigeria has not only provided leadership for the continent but also provided the shoulders for others to rest. However, we have faced the ups and downs of nationhood. There is no doubt that Nigeria is currently facing its most critical and challenging moment as a nation; particularly with the scourge of insecurity occasioned by the inglorious Islamic Sect, the Boko Haram operating mostly in the North Eastern part of the country. The nation is almost torn apart today because a certain part of the country or group of people believe that power must shift to their zone, and if it does not happen, the political atmosphere must be made unbearable for other citizens. These agitations are rife as we speedily approach the 2015 elections and everybody in Nigeria today is feeling the heat. But in all these, hope is not lost as the Federal Government and the Security Forces are containing the situation. While the Government of His Excellency President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR, deserves commendation for the mature way it is handling the Boko Haram insurgency, it should also be given kudos for the clinical manner the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) which hit the country recently was contained. At this juncture, while I urge you to continue to support the Transformation Agenda of the Federal Government, may I also charge you all to join His Excellency President Jonathan in sympathizing and praying for the families of victims of terrorism, Ebola Virus scourge and other misfortunes that have befallen our nation in recent times. AS EBONYI CELEBRATES… For us as a state; the past 18 years has been dotted with milestones, an eloquent testimony that our 39 years struggle on the tortuous and famished road to statehood was not in vain. Today, we have every reason to celebrate; we celebrate our founding fathers. We give them 5-Star salute for their vision and doggedness. We salute them for the price they paid; for they sacrificed their comfort for our freedom. Today, we have every reason to celebrate not only our freedom; but the countless giant strides so far recorded, especially in the past 7 years and four months of Chief Martin Elechi Administration. We have every reason to celebrate the Bridges of Unity and network of roads linking different communities and zones, Ochoudo International Market, Brand new Secretariat in Ochoudo City, Ultra-modern Rice Mills at Ikwo, Iboko and Oso Edda and state-of-the-art radio and TV station. We have every reason to celebrate the mega water scheme at Oferekpe and Ukawu that will this October begin to supply potable water to Ebonyi people; particularly in Abakaliki, the state capital. We have every reason to celebrate other numerous life-enhancing projects as well as the uncommon peace and development we have enjoyed as a people under the present Administration. It was not an accident that the father of the state; a man who led the struggle for the emancipation of his people; who embodies the vision, dreams and aspirations of Ebonyi eventually emerged governor of the state in 2007 to translate them into reality. For me, such divine arrangement must be fully maximized by Ebonyi people. Ebonyi people must give our dear governor all the support he needs to midwife a seamless succession. This should begin with our great Party, PDP in Ebonyi State honoring him with the offer to choose his preferred candidate for the party’s 2015 governorship. It is in the light of the foregoing, that I most respectfully implore His Excellency, our dear Governor and my Boss; Chief Martin N. Elechi, CON (Ochoudo Gburugburu) as the father of the state, to consult widely with a view to building consensus on who succeeds him in office. Given the 5-Star performance of our pragmatic governor, I humbly urge him to call a town hall and present any person he endorses as successor so that Ebonyi people will give the candidate the overwhelming support. Once our own Ochoudo, the Symbol of Peace gives direction, Ebonyi people will queue solidly behind him. Such a decision is consistent with the principles of democracy. It will douse tension, acrimony and unnecessary rancor. Above all, it would give room for CONTINUITY AND CONSOLIDATION. OUR CHALLENGES… And as NDI OKPOSI, we are unarguably passing through a very challenging period in our history as a people. As we celebrate with other Ebonyians; we are wont to live in fear because of the ominous activities of a gang of hoodlums who has elected to remain a curse to Okposi Ezinasato. While every well-meaning son or daughter of Okposi is working for the good of the community, this group is bent on retarding Okposi. Instead of imbibing the message of revival and self-rediscovery for our people which is the core value and spirit espoused in the Mezie Okposi campaign, these social deviants prefer to “Mebia Okposi” as they have continued to levy terror and insecurity on our people. They indulge in rape, stealing, robbery, gangsterism, vandalism, cultism, drug abuse and other social vices all in their desperate bid to give our administration and the community a bad name. Let me at this point reiterate that the primary objective of Government at any level is the safety and security of lives and property. This, we SHALL continue to pursue. We will stop at nothing in ensuring that every resident of Okposi Development Centre is adequately secured to pursue his or her rightful endeavor. In the same token, we will continue to discharge our duties creditably as contained in the law setting up the 64 Development Centres of Ebonyi State. Be assured that with your continued support and prayers; we will not relent in our pursuit of public good for Ndi Okposi. We are aware that history will judge us. I congratulate you all, most especially the children because you are the future of our country which 54th Independence Anniversary is being commemorated today. I also congratulate members of the Nigeria Legion including our fallen heroes for their sacrifice to preserve Nigeria. Finally, may I once again salute our God-sent leader and Governor, the Captain of Ebonyi State Founding Fathers, His Excellency Chief Martin Nwanchor Elechi; and his co-comrades in the struggle for the creation of Ebonyi State. Our tomorrow will be better and Okposi will be proud again in Jesus Name. Thank you for listening. Long Live Okposi Development Centre! Long Live Ebonyi State!! Long Live Federal Republic of Nigeria!!!
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 19:21:10 +0000

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