AN ALTAR FOR COMMUNION : Part 2 Most of the notable men we read - TopicsExpress


AN ALTAR FOR COMMUNION : Part 2 Most of the notable men we read about in the Bible who were mightily used of God were men who cultivated a personal walk with God. They were men who built personal altars unto God, a point of contact, a platform where they worshipped God and where God revealed Himself to them, dealt with, trimmed and spoke forth His wisdom into their lives. It is interesting to note that what we learnt of such men in their later years only issued out of there personal altar which they built severally in their early years when they were yet young. There were some of them who never built any personal altars, who had no secret dealings with God; even though they related closely with men who did and even for a season partook of the blessings from the consecration of such men. Such men either ended up insignificant in Gods program or became stumbling blocks against Gods purpose in their age and subsequent generation. If you must be a vessel of honour in God hand whom He can use for His highest and most noble purpose, then you must pay close attention to the matter of building a personal altar, where God can reveal Himself to you and fashion your life after His own will. In 2 Corinthians 2: 14-16, we read this: Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savor of his knowledge by us in every place. For we are unto God a sweet savor of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: To the one we are the savor of death unto death; and to the other the savor of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things? Apostle Paul began this writing by telling us how the Lord opened a door to him to preach the Gospel when he came to Troas even though he missed the presence of Titus there, lets note that God still opens A DOOR to His vessels. To Bro. Paul it was a door of utterance at that point. To us it might be a door of ministry to friends and family,it could be an opportunity by God to project His Kingdom amongst men. Now in verse 14 we read, NOW THANKS BE TO GOD WHO ALWAYS LEADS US IN TRIUMPH IN CHRIST, Paul understood that with God leading a man, such ALWAYS live a triumphant life, with God being the leader of a man such vessels always come out victorious in their Christian life. This must be a foundational truth that every believer must ask daily of God to be conscious of. Friends, it is possible to be caught up in the noise of victory,fame, success and impact and forget the One who initiate the victory and push through for you. Lets not forget that We are but mere servant/ earthen vessel bearing treasures for the Most High God...For I am what I am by the grace of God. ..AND THROUGH US DIFFUSES THE FRAGRANCE OF HIS KNOWLEDGE IN EVERY PLACE. God seeks that all may know Him through our lives.He expects that as HE leads and be the ruler over us, he will reach all through us...Amen. God wants to attract men to our lives so that they can also seek and experience Him in their lives. Another important experience of the personal altar of man is that something always follow such encounters with the Lord. Oh Lord, please help us to understand this, that its our personal walk that birth the fragrance of His knowledge that God want to diffuse in every place. I hope you will agree with me that the sweet and enticing fragrance from a SOUP COOKING ON THE STOVE/GAS tell of the richness of the ingredients of soup itself and the quality of time put into the cooking of soup. Everyone will want to have a taste of the soup. Spending quality time with God in communion thereby allowing Him to cook us well enough can only bring the best of Him for all men to see. Allow me to trouble your heart a little, Brothers and Sisters, what fragrances are we diffusing to all around us.....who is cooking you - who is the one stirring your heart? Are you done yet? what Fragrance is it? Remember Sweet Fragrance only comes from Fresh Cooked Soup....not yesterdays soup, not last Sundays service, not LAST WEEKS........... Lord help us to understand that to bear Gods fragrance every time in every place we must be Fresh , Fresh , Fresh Always with Christ, Last Week Communion can only sustain the knowledge of Him for last week, but we need that freshness from our altar that burns daily the carry and bear the fragrance of Him in every place whether in ministry, school, government service, the market place or the family Then he says in verse 15: FOR WE ARE TO GOD THE FRAGRANCE OF CHRIST AMONG THOSE WHO ARE BEING SAVED AND AMONG THOSE WHO ARE PERISHING.... Our lives and walk in Christ dont only affect fellow Christians but also those yet to come to the Faith in Christ. The by-product of our intimate fellowship with God erodes into our lifestyles, engagement...everyth­ing with our Christian friends and family, groups and those still yet to be saved and reached.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 19:32:08 +0000

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