AN EAGLE WAS CREATED TO SOAR HIGHER MORE SO YOU ,LETS STRIVE TO LIVE AS AN EAGLE!!! Isaiah 40:30-31 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall. But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk but not faint.. Somebody out there.. I want to give some facts about an eagle.. 1.Eagles fly alone at high altitude and not with sparrows or small birds.. Lesson: As a Christian, who wants more of Jesus and His power, you have every reason to drop some of those friends & people in your life who will pull you down from realizing that dream. Don’t expect to live a powerful life if all you do is spent time with gossipers, discouragers, pagans, and so forth.. 2.Eagles have a very strong vision. They can spot prey 5kms away. When the eagle spots prey, it narrows its focus and sets out to get it No matter the obstacle.. Lesson: If you want God to bless you. Persist in your prayer, Purpose in life and dare enough and tell God you will not let Him go until He blesses you. Jacob refused to let go the Angel of God until He blessed him and changed his name from Jacob to Israel. Refuse to seek blessings but seek the blesser who re- writes peoples stories from.. Nothing to something.. Poverty to riches.. A nobody to a somebody in Jesus Name. 4.Eagles love the Storm, When clouds gather they get excited because they will use the storms wind to lift higher and higher unlike the other birds that hide in the trees. Lesson..As a Christian, who believes in Jesus Christ, you have every right to embrace every storm that comes your way. Why? Victories come after the storm. The bigger the storm of life the bigger the blessing. Just like an eagle uses it to soar high into the sky, we should be Christians who do not murmur when the storms of life hit us. We should not run and hide in depression and fear because of the storm like the other small birds, rather we are anointed to face the storms of life and emerge victorious.. Do not crawl back to the world.. Do not settle at Haran, while you are supposed to reach Canaan, because of the storm. Just like an eagle, enjoy the journey because sooner than you think God shall reward you for diligently seeking Him.. I want to challenge you today.. Put all your trust in God.. It does not matter the storm you are facing today, God will renew your strength... You will be able to emerge victorious and one more time, YOU WILL SOAR HIGHER LIKE AN EAGLE . Don’t despair.. Don’t lose hope.. Don’t cry again... Don’t crawl into depression.. Don’t go back to the world.. Don’t murmur and grumble.. Jesus is waiting on you.. Talk to him.. I know you have told your story over and over again..But you told it to people, This time take time to tell it to Jesus.. He knows you by name.. Before you even open your mouth to tell Him,. He knows, but He has given you a choice to tell him.. You cried before men and women, but they didn’t wipe your tears.. This time pour your heart in tears to Jesus, He will wipe away your tears.. I know you are tired.. Nothing seems to be working in your life, if anything it’s getting worse. Remember He is your God.. Theres nothing He can’t do.. He will renew your strength and you will again soar higher and higher into your destiny in Jesus name.. God bless yoall!!! Shalom!!!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 06:45:49 +0000

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