AN EASY WAY OF ANSWER TO A QUERY: --------------------------------------------------- Here under is a very easy method to answer a query placed by a person to know the result of his / her anxiety and by this method you will find its answer very near to the correct. The following some instructions are to be applied for the answering purpose:- A- Allotted Planet’s Serial nos. is as of Astrological Nakshtra Planet Serial as for Planet Ketu-1, Venus-2, Sun-3, Moon-4, Mars-5, Rahu-6, Jupiter-7, Saturn-8 and last Mercury-9. These numbers will also be used for Day-Lord Planets as on the day of placing the query. B- The query should be placed in Writing-Mode and after reading the query, count the total Vowels and Consonants alphabets there in. Multiply the Vowels by 4 (Weeks in Month) and Consonants by 2 (Paksh in Month) and add both the numbers you get. Now divide this total by 9 (Number of Planets) and the remainder will show the number of Planet liable for the time duration. C- The time duration of result if favourable will be according the remainder number lord Planet as mentioned in Vimshottari Mudda-dasha for Days and its 1/3rd. duration for Months, which ever is applicable looking the time-term base either long or short of the query. The days and months for each planet are as for Planet Ketu 21-Days or 07-Months, Venus 60-Days or 20-Months, Sun 18-Days or 06-Months, Moon 30-Days or 10-Months, Mars 21-Days or 07-Months, Rahu 54-Days or 18-Months, Jupiter 48-Days or 16-Months, Saturn 57-Days or 19-Months and last Mercury 51-Days or 17-Months. After having noted the above required principles, any-one is very near to answer the query successfully as per example which is being practiced below for ready reference. As regards the query result the Distance-Number if Even shows the favour where the Odd stands for the anti-result say disfavours the query. It is ever acceptable that the Natal position of Planets may affect the query-result to a native. Example:- Query Weekday & Date: Thursday the 5th. January 2012. Mode of Query Placed: Will My Son Achieve Success In His Profession And How Much Time It Will Take? Answer Steps:- Week-day Lord: Planet Jupiter Nakshtra Serial No.-7. Vowel Numbers: 23 X 4 [Weeks] = 92. Consonant Nos.: 39 X 2 [Paksh] = 78. Total Numbers: 92 + 78 = 170 Divided by 9 = 18 / Remainder-8. Remainder Lord: Planet Saturn. Number Distance: No.-7 to No.-8 = 2 [Even]. Result Remarks: As No.-2 is Even so Favourable. Fulfilling Time: As of Planet Saturn [Either 57-Days Or 19-Months]. Query Base Term: Long - Hence it will take 19-Months from 05.01.2012. Thanks.
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 04:58:24 +0000

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