AN ELOQUENT GROUP OF PATRIOTS FIGHT FOR OUR NATIONS FREEDOM... AGAIN.... Its awesome! Its raining, its cold, and were out here! Its not fun, but its GREAT! Its fabulous! Its fantastic! Were cold, were wet ... Were marching because we have to. I have no choice. I have to do this. ~Charlie Suzi Chapler These last three days have been amazing. People are waking up. Weve had rounds of applause. The most important moments to me were groups of schoolkids, maybe ten to twelve years old, boys were cheering for us. They were applauding for us. The young kids, they understand the human rights. ~Hollie Ann Redinger All children deserve a peaceful welcome. ~Lisa Weinstein Anything that takes a child into pain and suffering, and away from love, thats a problem. The moment you step away from love, where it should be that immediate mother-baby, father-baby connection, thats the problem. ~Olivia Chovan-Doula I was just asking people what kind of surgery they would like that they dont consent to and cant escape from, I havent gotten any answers yet.... Imagine that. ~Dolores RN In the age of information, ignorance is a choice. ~Heather Nicole Comprosky Research circumcision! Its not your body, not your choice.... I dont really care what their response, as long as theyre listening. ~Ryan M Chovan The USA is the only country in the Western industrialized world that still inflicts forced genital mutilation on boys routinely. ~Rob RasCh
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 12:46:00 +0000

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