AN EPIC OF SPLENDOUR (written 10th September, 1997) Great is - TopicsExpress


AN EPIC OF SPLENDOUR (written 10th September, 1997) Great is the maze of jocundity, 1. Great is the jollity...that worked up all us, Rejoice, oh men! For the LORD has poured His blessings ineffable To eclipse our woes, And our losses replenish For many a heart has He built Who can abolish? Our tears extinguish replaced with gold! .... ...... ...... ... ....... .... Splendour within, Splendour without, 25. Splendour on the Rock is Splendour eternal We toiled and moiled, we hoped and prayed We sought, we strove by dusk and dawn We attain to obtain, to thrive and survive Lets pause like the birds and sing His praise Singing the Hymn of Him! You and I are Great, but Gods is GLORY! 32. -JUSPOET. To DR. From BARR. (Emmanuel-ANINWORIE family) HAPPY IS THAT PEOPLE WHOSE GOD IS THE LORD-Ps.144:15
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 11:34:37 +0000

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