AN EPISODE OF CHINA CONFIRMS AS TO HOW BUDDHISM IS EVER-GREATEST, COMPASSIONATE AND GENEROUS WITH ENTIRE PEOPLE INCLUDING OPPONENTS ALSO ======================================================= Buddhism is for both oppressor and oppressee, Whereas Marxism is only for oppressee. Buddhism cuts the roots of evil tree; whereas Marxism cuts branches of evil tree. Both quotations stated by Dr. Bhadant Anand Kausalyayan. Buddhism is the great religion which I would like to authenticate from an episode happened in one kingdom of China where Pushyamitra Shung like situation was taken place. But the Buddhists had averted bloodshed. In that kingdom, non-Buddhist had rule over the Buddhists for long time. They maltreated Buddhists, harassed and discriminated like anything. Yet, Buddhists had endured it all. The historical turn so occurred that the Buddhists became ruler. Many Buddhists wanted to take revenge. But the Buddhist Monk’s Syndicate (Sangha) had opposed the revengeful act in crucial meeting because, such kind of act was against Dhamma, as stated and decided by the Sangh. This is solely because of the greatness of Buddha’s teaching. So is the authentication that Buddhism is the greatest ever and it is timeless religion on the earth, for one may believe or not. Thus Pushyamitra Shung like situation was averted. It may be recalled that, after taking rule by sabotaging/beheading tin-aged grandson of Ashoka i.e. “Brahdrath” in 185 BC, Pushyamitra Shung (Vaidik Brahmin) had butchered Buddhist Monks subsequently. For this brutality 100 gold coins was the reward to people for bringing cut-head of a Buddhist Monk. There is no parallel vis-à-vis brutality in any history of the world hitherto. Sir Elbert Einstein paid a rich tribute to Buddhism in such a golden words, “Looking to hitherto modern science, Buddhism did not require alteration in its principle in ancient time and also remain unchanged in this era, because it embraces science and discoveries and also goes beyond. Buddhism is timeless religion.” Yes, if tomorrow Buddhist rule arrives in this country (which is imminent by way of Mayavati, the Supremo of BSP), golden era of Ashoka shall once again arrive. Once Mayavati takes charge of PM, a Buddhist revolution will be imminent, I foresee. So, it is the moral responsibility of entire Bahujans (85%), the indigenous people of India to confine their votes in favor of BSP, keeping other small small differences apart. During Mayavati’s Chief Minister-ship, Buddhism and Ambedkarism had flourished, that she renamed cities with Ambedkar Gram, Gautam Buddhanagar, Mahamaya Nagar, Chattrapati Shahunagar. She developed Ambedkar huge Ambedkar Monument (Smarak) at Lucknow – The capital of UP. She did all these without much efforts, as she was Chief-Minister. She might have struggled lot in becoming Chief Minister, but less subsequently to give Buddhist’s and Bahujan ideal’s name to various cities in UP. Whereas, in Maharastra our RPI leaders had continued their (futile) struggle for MORE THAN A DECADE, ON COST OF OUR PEOPLE AND DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTIES AND INNUMERABLE HARDSHIP for renaming Aurangabad University as Dr. Ambedkar University. But final realization was INCOMPLETE name i.e. DR. AMBEDKAR-MARATHWADA UNIVERSITY. Yet, our RPI leaders relentlessly talk and boast themselves on more than one decade struggle for this incomplete renaming of the university. They arrange commemoration of this (futile) struggle program to felicitate themselves for this (futile) achievement. They are their-selves obstacle to BSP. They don’t see the realization of UP and never dare to think by mind on line of BSP’s success in UP. So people should disown our RPI leaders who are divided in 44 factions. Our precious vote can only bring about Buddhist’s rule in this country, for there is no alternative to BSP at all, for I am cocksure about it. Looking to the factual and realistic scenario, BSP is only the party which can bring about Buddhist rule back in this country. I am prepared to stand correct for this, if it is shown by somebody that I am wrong! Compiled by Chakradhar Hadke
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 14:15:32 +0000

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