AN EVERLASTING GOSPEL DELIVERED BY HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU ON SUNDAY 17TH NOVEMBER 2013 FIRST LESSON: MATTHEW 23 VS 8 SECOND LESSON: 1ST TIMOTHY 5 VS 1 -3 GOLDEN TEXT: 1ST PETER 2 VS 17 Prologue song: We are one (3x) one in the Lord. Dear brethren that is all and what we have for you today. How come you seek for your brother’s position and segregate one another? How come you don’t respect? Is it because we all wear white? You claim that you are the only BCS member in your family; how come, because BCS constitutes everybody and the total sum of creation. You say your villages don’t want BCS, why? It is because of your character. Now it is only one teacher that we have here which is our Lord Jesus Christ who is authorized to teach in Heaven and here on Earth and He is the only one you must obey. There is no meaning in these entire big names professor, Dr, etc. now tell me, if all of us here are one, is there anything to struggle for or fighting for one position? If truly we are one, why do you go to juju to take somebody’s husband? Time has come for us to stop all this nonsense by advising somebody wrongly. FIRST LESSON RE – EXAMINED Am sure you heard that very well, many, if you don’t call them teacher they get angry with you, have you heard that bible position? Man, angel are all brethren, I am sure you remember that incident when God sent an angel to John the divine, as soon as he heard the message he almost went down on his knees to acknowledge the angel, but the angel said no that we are all brethren. FIRST WITNESS: REVELATION 19 VS 10 The angel said we are the same, if it were you, you will say how I wish I had winds to fly, fly to where? Fly to heaven? But the angel said, no we are servants, how many here worship angels? Answer oo, many worship stone, in China they worship rat, in India they worship monkey, go there and kill a monkey and see what will happen to you, you see how man makes a fool out of himself, many worship tree, does tree talk or breathe, some even worship river. Then what is the work of God in our lives since we worship other things. We are His temple and we should make it clean so that He will live in us. Don’t worry, the issue of respect is coming down, because in this generation, there is lack of respect, the young ones don’t respect their elders. But God said that we should respect the elderly ones because we are all brethren. Some even curse their elderly ones. We should treat the elders as our elders. I remember one incident, when our Father was invited to Togo and Bishop Ellerbe was sent to represent the Father, along the way there was a pool ride, the fishes came out and were jumping, because they all recognized that we are one, if it were you, you would want the boat to sink, but no, the fishes were all happy that the Father was coming to visit them also. Some would have wished that the fish fell into the canoe so that they could use it for dinner, but we are all brethren, no matter your position, be you black, yellow, green, we are all brethren, and no need to slide the other person. Call any born again pastor and the person knows that you are a brotherhood member; the person will ask you, who is your brother? Maybe they have not read this portion of the Bible, the Bible also said a woman should cover her hair in the presence of God and dress like a woman, but go to churches, even those called, woman pastor, they leave their hairs open and even wear trousers, maybe they haven’t read that portion of the Bible. We are all one and we are all brethren. SPIRITUAL CHORUS: I am your brother, you are my sister, Olumba wants us to love one another. There is a true story to this, a brother here, a 144, there is a place he used to go and preach every morning, but before he gets there, one born again pastor will be there already, so the brother will wait patiently until after the born again will finish, he will then start his own and this pastor kept wondering, this small boy, until one day he went there and met the pastor not preaching, he asked the pastor why he wasn’t preaching, the pastor said he was sick and the 144 brother prayed for him and he got his instant healing, so until now that pastor cannot do without that brother and he also received baptism. So you see, no matter where you come from, your language, color, status, position; we are all one, we are all brethren in the Lord. True brethren don’t jealous and envy one another, if I mention the brother’s name, you will get jealous and say God has mentioned your work. You sit down there and eat, don’t do the work of God. That is our mission here on earth, to work as brethren, for we are all one in the Lord. We all have to love one another as brethren that we are and you will be blessed for it. SECOND LESSON RE – EXAMINED All the widows, those who are truly widows, the true widows, who are they? There are fake widows, those who kill their husbands to marry another. True widows pray day and night and the Bible says that we should recognize them as mothers. If you see an elderly man, you must treat him well, recognize and call him Father. The young ones, call them sisters and brothers and the elderly ones call them fathers and mothers. It is not those that just call mummy, mummy so that you can open your purse wide and give them money, but no sincerity. The Bible says that you must show respect to all and one another. Your love must be pure, you honor everybody especially the elderly ones, respect one another, God doesn’t like disrespect, don’t talk to people anyhow, today God says you must respect and treat them like fathers especially those who work for God. Because someone is not your father, you have no regard and respect for that person, it’s a lie, that person is your father. Today God says you must respect that person and be blessed for it. Those widows who do away with their husbands to remarry again, you are in trouble, especially when your hands are not clean. God is telling us this because He wants us to behave accordingly, you don’t talk to people anyhow, because you are such and such, your position doesn’t count here. The most powerful name is brother, sister and you will be blessed for it. Call nobody Rabbi, teacher, there is only one teacher, the rest of us are brethren. Today if you don’t call a Bishop His Lordship, someone will say, look at this insolent boy, we are all brethren and we should all love one another, so that you can get your blessings. A young man must show respect to the elderly ones, show love and respect to the elderly ones. Young man to young man must also show respect because we are not struggling for anything, you must show love. You see an elderly man, go close to him, show him love, so that you can share in his experiences, if you don’t go close, you wont know things about him, go close and share in his experiences. GOLDEN TEXT RE – EXAMINED. Did the portion say honor some men? It says honor all men, love the brotherhood and honor the king. How many of you here fear God? If you fear God will you quarrel, hate anybody, segregate, we must love one everybody. When you segregate, lock heads, quarrel, bear false witness, does it mean that you fear God? So mind how you raise your hand, because when you raise your hand for what you don’t do, it attracts punishment. Love the brotherhood, love all and sundry because everything constitutes the brotherhood. So love everybody and be blessed for it. What must you do now? 2ND WITNESS: HEBREWS 13 VS 1-3. How many are going to let brotherly love continue? He is telling us to let brotherly love continue, be nice to people, entertain strangers, the Bible says by so doing, you might entertain angels. You must show love to all and sundry. Let brotherly continue, don’t stop, the day you stop, your blessings from Him will stop. Love everybody, stop killing fish, meat, because they are all your brothers. Love everybody and let brotherly love continue. A situation where Bishop loves only Bishop shouldn’t arise. You must love everybody, whether Bishop or not, ordained or not. You must love everybody and be blessed for it. SPIRITUAL CHORUS: You see the conclusion of the whole matter, na to fear God and obey all His commands. What is the conclusion of everything? It is to fear God; those that will start from today to fear God are saved.A stroke of the cane is enough for the wise, let those that have ears hear, may He alone, and may He alone, bless His Holy words. May His Peace and blessings rest and abide with us all for now and evermore. Amen
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 16:57:56 +0000

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