AN EXAMPLE OF GOD GIVING ME THE POWER TO CHANGE THE FUTURE Two years ago I was at my home and me and the Lord were having a conversation. Back then I was in full time street healing mode and I asked Him a question. I said to the Lord, How many people are going get healed today? The answer that He replied back with blew me away, because of what it really meant. He said, However many you want, son. I thought to myself, Whoa, thats heavy. I have been given that type of control? I thought God is the one in control of that? I realized from that point on that my actions or lack thereof could dictate what the future can look like in my life and in the lives of others. Before my conversation with God I was only planning on praying for this one person and few others, so on the way to pray for her, I stopped at several locations that I wanted to pray for people. Below is what I wrote on account of that day. Its a re-post of 2 years ago.. 12 JUST GOT RADICALLY AND RANDOMLY HEALED Jesus kicked the devil in the teeth yesterday and it started in Temecula. As I was driving, I saw a guy with a cane. I pulled over. He shattered his femur in a car accident. I prayed and all the pain left. He said, What did you just do? I said, I prayed. I dont pray just for a good deed, I pray for real results. This is no joke. He couldnt believe it. He walked without his cane. I looked at his little brother and prayed for his asthma. He felt tingling in his chest. He took a deep breath and it was clear. A big smile came on his face. I told them how good Jesus is and left blessed. After that I went to the Temecula mall. A Guy stops me at a Kiosk so he could clean my shoes to promote some product. I said, Do you have lower back pain? He said, Yeah, how did you know. I said, I had an impression (And I pointed to the spot where I suspected it hurt).” He let me pray and his back got healed. His fellow employee came over and said he had seen a leg grow out on youtube. I said, Let’s check both of your legs. I sat them down and when I was about to grow out the first guys legs he yells at everyone walking by, “Do you want to see a miracle!! Do you want to see a miracle!!” The guy in the Kiosk next to them came over and watched. The guy’s leg grew out and his knee got healed in the process without me praying for the knee. I was preaching out loud and some passers by stopped to listen. Then we all got in a circle, held hands and prayed. I prophesied over them and they got nailed by the Holy Spirit. After that I took 20 steps and found a woman with a bad back and knees. She got healed, and then I prophesied over her granddaughter. The prophetic word was very accurate. She lit up and got excited. Then I went up stairs and a guy with a bad shoulder that had been torn up from a car accident in a sling was leaving to go home because the pain was so bad. He got healed and then heard the message of Jesus. Then a girl with a broken fibula with crutches and a cast got healed. She felt “Waves of energy” go through her leg. All pain left. I told her, “When you get your check up Monday just tell them the reason why the bone is healed is because a guy came up to me in the mall; he didn’t give me his name and all he said was Jesus healed me and that He loves me.” She said, “Okay!” After that I went to Moreno Valley and stopped at the store. A guy’s neck got healed. I prophesied over him for 20 min. Then I went to the mall there. A girl’s foot got healed. She had a torn tendon. She walked fine with no pain. Then I prophesied over a woman in the Spiritualist store who worked behind the counter. She wrote down all that I said and was super touched. She didn’t even know what hit her. Then a girl with a knee brace got healed. She tore her MCL and walked around with no pain. I preached to her and her mom. She really got excited. Then I was walking towards the elevator and a girl who was in the Spiritualist store was walking to the elevator as well. I had felt that she was really demonized and I don’t usually get that of everyone because they are in a spiritualist store. It was the level of the demonic that was on her that got my attention. She saw me and purposely walked away from me, but she realized she needed to go down in the elevator. So she got in and went to the other side. The elevator was full of people. For some reason the elevator doors would not close all the way. Like 10 times the doors would start closing and then open. Everybody was getting ticked off. All of a sudden I went over to the doors and said, “Close right now in Jesus’ name!” and gestured with my arm and they instantly closed. I looked at some of the people and said, “It’s all about authority”. lol.. When we exited the elevator the girl bolted out and ran. I wanted to talk to her but was she freaked out.. Then, I went to the hospital to pray for a friend. When I got there I saw a lady with a cane. She had Rheumatoid Arthritis in her knee. She got healed. After that I saw a guy I knew and he was walking out. He had strep throat. I prayed 3 times and the pain almost went to nothing. As I was praying a couple stopped, extended out their hands and prayed with me. One of them was totally blind. His eyes were white and had that film over them. I asked if I could pray for him. They let me. I prayed and nothing happened. I prayed a second time and he said he started seeing flashes of light when he would open and close his eyes. That never happened before according to him!! He had been 100% blind for 15 years. I gave them my phone number and said that I would make it up next week and pray for the complete healing. They were really excited because he had never seen anything. Just complete darkness. God was wreckin’ people right and left. The gospel was getting shared and demonstrated. People were getting prophesied over and leaving encouraged about their future with the Lord and life. It was another good day for the King!!
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 13:52:42 +0000

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