AN EXCERPT FROM A CORRESPONDENCE I JUST RECEIVED. GLORY TO GOD. I AM HUMBLED! MY AIM IS TO MAKE EVERY JAMAICAN YOUTH AND ESPECIALLY THE RURAL YOUTH KNOW THAT GREATNESS AND SIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENT IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS. YOU CAN ACHIEVE IF YOU ONLY BELIEVE AND ACT UPON YOUR BELIEF: Dear Ms. Mullings, Congratulations on being selected as a finalist in the Young Achievers category of the 2014 Butch Stewart Community Awards! The fact that you have been chosen from a field of over 200 exemplary achievers is testament to the quality of your work and the undeniable impact your story has had on the panel of esteemed judges. Your selflessness, dedication to service and desire to impact positively on the development of our country is admirable and the significance of your efforts is immeasurable. The Butch Stewart Community Awards was created to honour and reward people just like you – unsung heroes who work every day to improve their own lives, the lives of those in their families, communities and Jamaica on the whole. You are in the company of some of Jamaica’s finest citizens and your stories are nothing short of heart-warming and inspiring. Your stories give us hope and remind us that Jamaica is a beautiful country with beautiful people and we have much to be grateful for. We are especially grateful for the person that nominated you for this award as they have allowed us an opportunity to shine a well-deserved spotlight on your amazing efforts and fittingly reward you for all you do.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 20:56:17 +0000

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