AN INTERESTING LETTER TO THE PM THE PETER ONEILL PERFECT PRIME MINISTER PROPHECY FOR PAPUA NEW GUINEA //////////////////////////////// C/- Roger R Wiyepe P.O. Box 2468 BOROKO National Capital District 30th March, 2014. Hon. Peter O’Neill, CMG MP Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Office of the Prime Minister National Parliament P O Box 639 WAIGANI SUBJECT: YOU (PM Peter O’Neill) ARE THE 7TH AND THE PERFECT PRIME MINISTER PNG HAS BEEN WAITING FOR THE LAST 36 YEARS SINCE SELF – GOVERNANCE. This letter captures a prophecy that serves to inform you Mr. Prime Minister that you are the 7th and the perfect Prime Minister PNG has been long waiting for, for the last 36 years since self – governance. I came up with this prophecy after a holistic and thorough investigation into the bible and history and geography of Israel and PNG with afterwards extrapolation and correlation between these two nations of great interest. Now according to the God of the bible let us find out who is the perfect PM since PNG obtain its self – governance from outside rule. Perfection is a word that is restrictedly applicable only to God and not man. Man can’t be perfect or cannot perfect things and circumstances given a lifetime or even eternity on this sin infested and evil flooded earth. How hard, long and smart one can try, perfection is a state beyond human reach except God. With that in mind, such predictions and claims on PNG’s perfect PM are solely based on Gods perfection and not secular standards. Secularism awards and accolades perfection according to its own criteria but what we talking about here is God’s perfection and not that in the context of mere lower beings. Since Independence to now, Peter O’Neill is the PERFECT Prime Minister for PNG being the 7th consecutive Prime Minister that was sworn in the House of Assembly. All those educated minds on bible and God understands the nature and style in which God conducts His genius and sovereignty. From the bible we see vividly that God designs his creation referencing numbers and relates to them with numbers as symbols. Some of Gods divine numbers are 3, 7, 40, 12, and 24. Seven (7) is Gods number of perfection representing open – doors leading to greener pastures. Below are points that credits and substantiates the above mentioned prophetic claims. 1. PNG ECONOMIC BOOM IS HISTORY MAKING Mr. Peter O’Neill came in when PNG was about to hit the season of milk and honey. Since independence, PNG is now into its biggest economic harvest unlike before with the massive and simultaneous exploitation of its natural resources besides the magnitude of massive million dollar deals with foreign nations. In 2012, 2013 and 2014 we have witnessed the passing of its annual budgets beating figures from the previous years to date. Leading towards 2012 national elections it was talk of every household, mainstream media and social media, that 2012 will surely determine the fall or rise of PNG. Therefore the government to lead the course of PNG from 2012 onwards is far from crucial. That was because all of the one – of multibillion dollar projects were predicted and projected to come into full – operation after 2012 general elections onwards. In the fullness of time, God appointed Mr. Peter O’Neill to take up the hot seat and run the affairs of the nation PNG when PNG was towards the peak of its economy. 2. TREATY WITH ISRAEL A MILESTONE TO GO DOWN IN OUR HISTORY BOOKS UNERASEABLE AND PRAISE WORTHY Never before under the management of the previous six PMs was there a treaty of bilateral relations sealed between PNG and Israel. However, when Gods perfect Prime Minister took up office, the door into Israel was open. Mr. O’Neill’s historic journey to Israel was very prophetic. After Israel took its independence from Egypt, it spent 38 years wondering around the wilderness of Mount Sinai. After celebrating their 38th Independence in the wilderness of Kadesh, the Israelites break camp and started moving straight towards the promise land, which took them a two year journey to finally set foot on the promise land which is now Israel. In total, it took 40 years to reach the promise land which is geographical Israel today. Hence, PNG turned 38 last year September and in the following month of October (just as Israel in the wilderness), Mr. O’Neill walked into Israel to sign the covenant between PNG and Israel. Prophetically, we (PNG) are less than 2 years away from the promised season of milk and honey just like the Israelites. The history of the Israelites is repeating itself in today PNG. LNG’s first export is projected to be around 2015, the year PNG turns 40. We are surely in for a big time coming with the talks on the second Gulf LNG in making. And I firmly believe that there will be a lot happening between Israel and PNG in the near future and shall be ongoing till the second coming of Christ Jesus. 3. WHERE AND WHEN IS THE END OF THE WORLD! When the disciples asked Jesus about the guaranteed date for his second coming, this is what He (Jesus) had to advised them about the predictions leading towards His second coming as captured in the Gospel of Mathew. And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what [shall be] the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? 4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all [these things] must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these [are] the beginning of sorrows. 9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. 10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. 11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. 12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come (Matt 24:3 – 14 KJV). Every point covered by Jesus in the above record has surely come to pass. The last and crucial one is for the Gospel to reach the end of the earth to pave way for the great and dreadful three-and-a-half years tribulation as accounted following the above scripture (From Mathew 24:15 – 28). Jerusalem in Israel is where the Gospel started and so the end will be logically be the point away from Jerusalem with equal distance from the start (Jerusalem) from every direction and angle. However, after given closer look, PNG in the Pacific happens to be the end of the earth. PNG was the last place on earth reached by the Gospel, presumably. The coast of PNG was encountered first by missionaries. Yule Island in the Central Province received the first Catholic Missionaries in the 1801 followed by Morobe, East New Britain and other coastal areas. With no road access and luxury of air transport, the Gospel painstakingly scaled up the rugged mountainous terrain of the Highlands Region. After reaching other Highlands Provinces, it arrived just lately in Ialibu. As for Ialibu, the early missionaries arrived in the early 1950s. Therefore, Ialibu in the SHP is the end in PNG where the gospel last encountered. And the 7th Prime Minister of PNG is somewhere from the end of PNG. This isn’t a coincidence but a divine appointment by God. In the fullness of time you (Peter O’Neill) were appointed to manage the affairs of this great nation PNG in this crucial end times. Jesus said, “Until the gospel reaches all the nations of earth (or reaches the end of the earth), the end shall come” (Mathew 24:14). Seven symbolizes end, last, or finish. Therefore, the LAST/FINAL/END PM Peter O’Neill took up office in God’s absolutely perfect timing. 4. GEOGRAPHY AND GOD In the bible God has a strategy in dealing with His servants. After the flood, God anchored the famous ark of Noah intentionally on the Mount of Ararat in Turkey. With no navigation systems like; sail, naval charts, radar and/or captain, however, God was the navigator. So such wasn’t a coincidence that the ark landed on Mount Ararat. It was on that mountain that Noah did the first ever sacrifice to God recorded in the bible prompting God to make the ‘rainbow covenant’ not to destroy the whole earth and it inhabitants again with flood waters. Secondly, the ultimate test on Abraham to offer his only Isaac was on a mountain top. It was there that God restated his everlasting covenant with Abraham for his unwavering faith in sacrificing his only son Isaac. Again, Moses first encountered God in a burning bush on Mount Sinai. After the successful salvage of the Israelites from Egypt, God handed down the Ten Commandments through Moses again on Mount Sinai. Everytime Moses was demanded to go up the mountain in order to converse with God. Before the tabernacle was built with the ark of covenant, God wouldn’t come down but have to reach up to Him for wisdom, favour and blessing. And finally, Christ was crucified on a mountain top. The mount of Calvary was the gateway to Grace, Salvation, Blessings, Prosperity, Healing, Restoration and heaven. This clearly sends us signals about Gods way of dealing with his people. His standards are high that man ought to reach up always to the mountain top. Now let us take a look into the history of Ialibu. There was a couple centuries old story been told about natural wealth, livestock and food distribution up in the Highlands of PNG in Ialibu. Ialibu was the one doing the distribution to his neighbors. When he (Ialibu) shared the things, he gave all the best things away to others while he kept back for himself not so good/worthy things together with a green vegetable. And that green vegetable represents knowledge and wisdom as told by my ancestors. So in other words, Oil was given to the Kutubus, Gas to the Helas/Gulf, Gold to the Engans/Westerns/Morobe/NI, Coffee to the Western/Eastern Highlanders and so forth but the very least (valueless) was retained back together with Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding. Now, What does God’s wisdom (Jesus) advises us as His servants to live by? The greatest love is to lay down your life for others. And that is what Ialibu did. Ialibu became the sacrificial lamb. Ialibu gave the best away to others and kept the leftover (valueless). Ialibu did unto others what he desires of others to do back to him (Christ’s Commandment). And so, Ialibu worshipped God in truth and in spirit; giving the best that he had to others and kept the not so good leftovers and knowledge. And now what does the bible talks about regarding wisdom and knowledge. Wisdom is supreme than the worth of all things combined. Wisdom weighs more than that of numberless silver and gold. God advices us to give away worldly treasures but never give away wisdom for it is the source of all things seen and unseen. And wisdom is God himself. God created the unseen and the seen with wisdom and knowledge alone. Earthly treasures shall give out but wisdom will not and wont ever. And that is what Ialibu perfectly executed. Geographically speaking, Ialibu is on a highest altitude in PNG that’s why it’s the coldest in PNG and host to one of the highest peak (Mt. Giluwe) in PNG. It is always a climb from every places, province and direction going up towards Ialibu. From Pangia, Mendi, Kagua and Lae onwards, are all an upward climb. Therefore, it was again on the mountain that God meet with Ialibu (Just as with Moses, Noah, Abraham and Jesus on a mountain top) and advised him to distribute material wealth whilst retaining back the very X factor (Wisdom) to creation. What happens in the spirit always materializes out on the physical. That’s why Ialibu is in the making to be the host to the Western Pacific University. One of the cutting edge and radical educational institutions in PNG and the Pacific. All our future top brains passing out of grade 12 throughout PNG to be educated there. We have countless complains from the Opposition and the people of PNG as a biased and one-man decision but if God is for it no mere lower beings can marginalize or impede that decision, I don’t care how many in numbers they may appear to be. With God we are always on the winning edge. 5. AGED OLD PROPHECY FROM EASTERN END OF SHP SLOWLY UNVEILING There is an age – old prophecy before by our (PNG) native prophets that in the end times (Which is obviously now) there will be radical leaders (doing what most deem impossible) coming out of Eastern End of SHP and you are surely one of them that fulfills this piece of prophecy. In 2008 SHCSGA hosted a conference up in Ialibu with Rev. Joseph Walter’s as the keynote speaker. Walter that time was filled with the Spirit of God and prophesied that the next PM will be from SHP, without any clue that he was declaring it on the home soil of the PM in waiting. You (PO) aren’t a mistake, coincidence or an accident. With no shadow of doubt, you are surely Gods anointed and appointed PM of our time. After you shall come countless millionaires/billionaires, leaders in education and various fields, and mighty man of God to take back the Gospel to where it started. From the END (IALIBU) back to the START (JERUSALEM). This is however, the few basics that I can cover herein. Therefore, my advice to you is not to be shaken by what is going on with the main stream media, social media and forums. You are appointed by God and not by people of PNG or mere man. You ought only to fear God and be faithful to Him in serving this nation with great awe, trembling and righteousness. Only when your appointed time is up it shall be all counted as history, unless otherwise. God spoke through Prophet Daniel in the bible days and said,”I am the God of Israel who put up Kings, Rulers, Presidents and Prime Ministers and remove/humble them in my own timing without any outside coercion or influences whatsoever (Book of Daniels). So be it! Manage as much as God wanted you to with great reverence to his percepts. Until then, this and shall always be my pray daily, to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel (Jacob) and our God today through Christ Jesus to bless you and your government more with his wisdom, knowledge and understanding and the grace to abide in his wisdom in shepherding this great nation PNG with its beloved people into the season of milk and honey over abundance in just about 16 months from now when PNG turns 40 just as what happened with the Israelites. Kind Regards, …………………………. Roger. R. Wiyepe (Mr.) Evangelist and Author to Ages of Creation
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 23:34:02 +0000

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