AN INTERVIEW WITH MR. ADNAN OKTAR BY AL JAZEERA TV (Istanbul - August 6, 2007) Al Jazeera: Why did you never marry, Sir? It has been said that you never married because you are too busy or because you are waiting for the Mahdi. Adnan Oktar: My [spiritual] teacher Said Nursi never married, either. And he commanded those who fought alongside him his special followers, not to marry, either. I see myself as a loyal follower of Said Nursi. In accordance with this advice, I have never married. Of course, I need a lot of time to devote to my struggle and to set aside a lot of time to it. Because I devote myself to communicating my faith, to writing books, to pursuing my struggle, from morning till evening. In other words, I would be unlikely to have any time left to devote to my wife and children, to spend with my family. Al Jazeera: But Islam encourages marriage. Adnan Oktar: But there are number of hadith which indicate that it is virtuous not to get married in the End Times. Al Jazeera: For example? Adnan Oktar: There is a hadith which states that anyone who is unmarried in the End Times is a good [virtuous] man. Al Jazeera: Where did you read such a hadith? Adnan Oktar: Right now I do not recall the source, but I can give you the reference later. We can also find this [reference] in the works of Said Nursi. You will be able to find it on the Internet if you look the term up in the Risale-i Nur Collection of Said Nursi. Adnan Oktar: I love all Muslims in Turkey and worldwide, and I make no distinction on the basis of school or sect. I respect them all. There is no difference between Sunni and Shia. The same applies to the Ihvan-i Muslim (Ikhwanul el-Muslimien). They are also my brothers. I regard them as totally sincere. We all pray in the same direction. We share the same Book. These elements all make us one. I strongly oppose division. Al Jazeera: Sir, are you a hafidh? [Do you know the Quran by heart?] Adnan Oktar: No, I am not. I asked if he could read Arabic: Adnan Oktar: No, I do not know Arabic. But I can pick out certain words, of course. __________________________________________________ _________ ADNAN OKTAR?S INTERVIEW WITH AL BAGDADI (Istanbul, April 2008) Journalist: There is no doubt that anyone working in the field of religion, in the field of ideas, in the field of literature, has enormous responsibilities. Turkey now has the problem of politics and religion. Politics has damaged religion, where do you stand in this subject? Adnan Oktar: I of course favour the separation of religion and politics. That is my view, and I favour the preaching of the faith, preaching and living by Islam, in a laicist system. I think that this can put everyone at ease, because there will be atheists and Jews and Christians in a community. And they have their rights. They are also first-class citizens and there are also different sects. There are Alawites for example, and Jaferis, and they are all our brothers. [/color]We feel a profound relation to all of them and can never accept their being wronged in any way. In terms of that denominational distinction I regard Alawites and Jaferis as one, as my brothers. There are also the people of the Book, as stipulated in the Qur?an, they are the people of the Book. They are our brothers and friends. They also have rights and laws. We must live with them in friendship and in bonds of love. Journalist: What do you think of this problem of Shiite and Sunni, this conflict? This is a terrible thing extending through Iraq. It could even make its way to Turkey? Adnan Oktar: The Sunni-Shiite division is a Masonic ruse, and is purely artificial. Let me state plainly that anyone falling for this irrational and senseless ruse is an idiot. I do not believe that the kind of person who can fall for that ruse can be a normal Muslim. Shiites are exceedingly pure, clean and sound Muslims. Sunnis are also completely sound, spotless Muslims. There is no difference between them. They are all believers. They are all people of Kiblah. They all believe in Allah and love the same prophet. I enjoy happy and profound relations with them all. Any distinction is artificial. As for my own position, I am a sayyid, descended from the blessed Ali. The blessed Ali is my ancestor, so of course I feel a deep love for him. He was a holy and glorious individual. We must see the goodness and wisdom in everything such individuals have done. We must respect the behaviour of the blessed Aysha and the blessed Ali. We must now leave them to themselves, leave them to Allah. By Allah?s leave, they are all in paradise in the hereafter. We must continue on their path in a spirit of brotherhood. There is no need for especially deep research or inquiry in matters of this kind, since it is the final result that matters. We may not be able to understand all aspects of what Allah has created with His goodness and wisdom. There is no need for us to attempt to understand everything. Our only duty is to abide by the Qur?an and the Sunna. __________________
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 08:51:28 +0000

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