AN OPEN LETTER OF CONCERN TO EMC.GOVERNOR ENG. ALEX TOLGOS ;- By Peter Cheboi, Fellow EMCs i am provoked to key in this concern after reading how EMC Governor Eng. Alex Tolgos dismissed face book and other social media users such as whatsapp, instagram etc in one of the major dailies as noise makers and none starters. I want to direct him to the following pertinent aspects, 1) That he was elected on a digital platform- Jubilee ticket 2) That he employed digital tools in his campaign and won the hearts of many through it 3) That most of those he now dismiss as noise makers on the social media are the same people (digital) generation who put him there 4) That those who use the social media to address issues do it for your benefit, to assist you see what you and your sycophants do not see. 5) That even engineering and construction of roads require digitization. Silent wisdom demands that on should analyze issues critically and learn from them even if it means he or she will not take action. It also demands that one should not cut or dismember the bridge that took him/her to the other side of the swollen river or burn the hand that feeds him/her. Eng. Gov. sir, i believe you have and information and communication officer in your office who should give you highlights of what is happening in your county. He should draw your attention to some of these genuine concerns by your people. Terming them noise is utter and sheer arrogance and remaining unrealistic. It is like behaving like an ostrich which buries its head in the sand as the fire rages. Napoleon Bonaparte once said do not interrupt your opponent while he/she is making political mistakes but here, I want to interrupt you because I want to assist you to change step and move towards the right direction of inclusiveness. I politics numbers matter a lot and it is always to consolidate and keep together what you already have as you hunt from when and what you dont have, but on your part, i can see and foretell the opposite. You are busy destroying and killing what you already have while chasing and running after a thin and elusive wind/air. When the time comes, do not say you were not warned. Being forewarned is being forearmed 2017 is just around the corner. The level of corruption allegation, unfair distribution of county cake, positions and resources are enormous among others. The only platform through which we can reach you is through social media and other forms of technology which have overcome and conquered tyranny of time, space, geography and resources. The analogue system of physical demos carrying placards of HAKI YETU and Tolgos MUST GO slogans are long gone. Listen to our plights on this social media platform Sir Gov. Sir, you can as well dismiss this as another face book noise but i have said. Those who are close to him should draw this to his attention. Thank you,
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 12:00:38 +0000

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