AN OPEN LETTER TO ALL OGUN STATE STUDENTS AND COMPASSIONATE NIGERIAN STUDENTS. Dear Compatriots in Struggle,fraternal greetings to you from the aluta barrack Tuesday, 23rd of December has been declared as Blackout Campaign day for Senator Ibikunle Amosun (FCA,CON) We humbly request you to apply his blackout pictures on your BB as Display Picture, Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter Profile Picture, and others social media networks as the most ridiculous and paramount liar to the students body. We intend to have 50 million of his blackout pictures online. It is possible!! PLEASE RE- BROADCAST. Greatest Ogun Students, you may wish to recall in 2011, Sen. Ibikunle Amosun made series of electoral promises, the very one of these promises that made him to enjoy massive and block vote of Ogun students in Ogun State was the 50% reduction in school fees and free health care services to the people of Ogun State. It may interest you to note that none of these is working at the minimum. In Ogun State of today, education is no longer affordable to the sons and daughters of the poor, our state owned higher institution of learning are on a clear context of school fees with private institutions, no physical development on our campuses, no hostel, no adequate transportation of students, lecture rooms are not adequate to good learning environment . Kudos to a former Governor of OYO State (LAM ADESINA) who had once said that any Governor that is bent on road construction is not doing so in the true interest his people he has in mind, but doing so in the interest of personal pocket, that one of the easiest way os embezzling state resources is through road construction. Ogun students in Nigeria are determinly ready to make the unexpected political revolution that happened in Ogun State in 2011, a thing of re-occurence. CHANGE WE NEED, YES WE WILL. Gov. Ibikunle Amosun had failed us beyond an imaginary level from an acclaimed progressive. You may also wish to recall that the leadership of NAOSS under the National President Com. Ifemosu Michael, last month made a passionate appeal to the Governor to address his electoral promises of 2011, likewise the leadership of NANS Ogun JCC under the chairmanship of Com. Falola Ahmed Olasunkanmi led over 5,000 students of OOU to protest over the un-godly and astronomical increment of OOU school fees. Greatest Ogun students, you will agree with us that Gov. Ibikunle Amosun has failed us totally. However , we await his 2015 electoral promises to students in Ogun State, probably he will come out to promise us 50% reduction again. Our collective efforts towards the restoring project of the lost glory of our dear state will definitely restore our future and that of the generation unborn. We call on all well meaning and intellectual Ogun students in Nigeria to broadcast en-mass on the 23rd December, 2014 on a day blackout display against the government of Ogun State. Ogun State is the state that has the highest number of tertiary institution in Nigeria, is also blessed with the highest unemployed graduates. It is so sad that when this government came on board in 2011, many civil servants were sacked with baseless reason that they were lately employed by the past administration. Interestingly, the Governor came up with an idea to further hardened the lives of the poor. The unemployed and sacked civil servants were mandated to purchase form worth #12,000 to apply for jobs in Ogun State, not knowing that it is another fraudulent act of this Government. It is on this note that we call on the EFCC and ICPC to investigate the 2013 recruitment exercise. Thank you And God bless Nigeria. ALUTA CONTINUA! VICTORIA ASCERTA. Omo ogun!! Ise yaa!!! Signed. Com. Ifemosu Michael A. (GCOS). (DA COMPLEX). NATIONAL PRESIDENT. National Association of Ogun State Students(NAOSS NATIONAL).
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 15:18:48 +0000

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