AN OPEN LETTER TO EVANG OLUMUYIWA ASAGUNLA! Dear Evang, I do not know if to greet you solidarity greetings or Calvary. Maybe I should do both as you carry both nomenclature. Hope all is well with you and the family? If Yes, Glory be to God! I hope that the question you are asking me is hope all is well with me too? Well then, let me answer ALL IS NOT WELL, either with me or the whole of the Student Movement in ondo state. The reason is quite simple sir, the un-holy way the student movement is been piloted would be an understatement if I refer it to as CRAZY! And you are aware, you are not only aware, with no apology I say you are part of. Your assigment as the Senior Special Advicer on Youth and Student to the Governor of Ondo State is to serve as an intermediary between the Students and the Government, and to explain better the plight and agitation of the Students better to the Governor. But is that What you have been doing Sir? People in the Student Movement who are not afraid of the Truth would be quick to say NO! Instead what you have been doing is to interfere in the running of the different Unions of Students, You have manipulated Student Leaders to do your bidding, and Leaders who of course have no revolutionary training have been a cow-boy to your bidding ignoring the People they are supposed to represent. I do not need to remind you how you have been interfering in elections at different quarters of the Student Movement, in which you have been making sure your proffered candidate who would be Pro-Asagunla emerges, even at the expenses of Students who will genuinely call for a Revolutionary Pro-Student Leader. In recent times, your interferences is choking the Student Movement as you have used all the means you know to Legalise Illegality- The Scenario of you working with the IMPEACHED Senate President of National Association Of Ondo state Students (National body) to distablize the association is still heavy in our hearts, Your recent use of Security Operatives to harass Ondo state Students who are interested in Genuinely reclaiming our Various Movements back from Pro-Government Reactionaries is also one that we can bear no more. Evangelist, I want to Categorically tell you (even though you are very much aware), that you have no right to IMPOSE any canditate or persons on us, simply for your own Selfish Agenda. I also implore you to follow the dictates of the bible which you claim to believe in and LET THE TRUTH PREVAIL! And to also remember that: NO SINNER WILL GO UNPUNISHED! My dear Evangelist Olumuyiwa Asagunla, Leave the Student movement to the Students themselves as we are tired of your interferences. A word is enough for the Wise. I wish you all the best as you progress in your political endeavours! Yours Sincerely Comr Jabulani
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 13:32:44 +0000

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