AN OPEN LETTER TO MADDIE DI MUCCIO re: THE FACTS It was important for me to address some concerning comments that you have made about me over the past several days. Lets just stick to the facts as they are. The first concern involves an incident that took place last week in which I sent a letter to you and your husband, John Blommesteyn. While I will not reprint the entire letter, I will pull out important comments that best represent the context. Certainly if you would like me to post the entire letter, I would be happy to do so. I would like to point out that both you and Mr. Blommestyn were sent these letters via courier where a signiture was required upon delivery Both were signed for. You were both also emailed copies of the letter. Please note that I wanted one simple thing: an apology - an apology to me, my family and the patients that we help through our foundation for the disparaging, rude, inaccurate and disgusting comments that you had made on social media. I made a commitment that should you send a private apology, I would keep it private and would not discuss it inside or outside of social media. This apology was never received, despite providing you with the explanation and undisputed, overwhenlming and 100% factual evidence. BASIC CONTENTS OF THE LETTER: FACT # 1 You stated several times emphatically that you have never, ever engaged with me. In fact, here is just one example of you stating this with conviction to your followers on the Concerned Citizens of Newmarket site: I have NEVER spoken about you or your organization in any way. - October 7, 2014 @ 10:14 a.m. On October 8, 2014 at 11:08 a.m, you stated: Ive NEVER met with and have no clue who he is. I could add several other comments from last week of the same magnitude. Please refer to a screen shot from Saturday October 12, 2013 confirming that in fact, you have not been truthful. I should remind you that the point is not the content of this screen shot but rather that you lied about it and that many of your supporters supported you on your comments. This post was the nicest one that you made on that day last October, 2013; numerous others were more vile and demeaning in the eyes of many others. I will remind you that as of this day, you have never met me and until my letter from last week, we have never, ever engaged in person or on social media. That is a fact that you have stated repeatedly. I also want to comment on one of your quotes from October 7th, 2014 to another contributor of that thread. You stated: No Liam, I have never, ever bashed a person. In politics, we challenge records. If I bash people, provide evidence that Ive done so. Ms. Di Muccio, I would suggest that you can find your own evidence in the over 51, 200 tweets that you have sent out. NOTE: This number represents more than Prime Minister Harper, Rob Ford, Doug Ford, John Tory, Olivia Chow, Premier Wynne, Pope Benedict, Mayor Van Bynen, Justin Trudeau, Chris Campbell and Snapd Newspapers......COMBINED!!!!! FACT # 2 You and your husband showing up at my home and trapesing across my front lawn uninvited, unnannounced and unwelcome on Thanksgiving weekend to confront me at MY front door with my young daughter at home was unprofessional, unnacceptable and absolutely will NOT be tolerated EVER again. Do I make myself clear? I did not come to the door to engage with you becasue I knew that nothing good could come from it. While you were not going to intimidate me in my own home, I decided to take the higher road. Please be advised that due to the threats that I have received by one individual who appeared on the Facebook page Concerned Citizens of Newmarket, the uninvited visit that you and Mr. Blommesteyn made to my home and two additional, serious incident that have hapened outside my home over the past 2 weeks, a full police report has been completed by York Regional Police. I am obligated to inform you that should either you or your husband or the person(s) in question attempt to contact me or approach any member of my family at my place of residence or anywhere else without my consent, you will be arrested immediately. Govern yourselves accordingly. COMMENTS RELATED TO THE DISTRIBUTION OF FLYERS VIA CANADA POST DISCOURAGING VOTERS TO VOTE FOR YOU OR YOUR HUSBAND Yesterday (October 23, 2014) you made reference to and insinuated on social media that I had some involvement with the flyers that were sent to Ward 6 and Ward 7 residents. That is the furthest thing from the truth. You have given me far too much credit Ms. Di Muccio. Do you really think that I would design, print and spend the money to distribute thouands of flyers? My message to you: In my eyes, you are not that important to waste my valuable time! In fact, I have denounced that tactic and said all along that negative politics is the most unflattering form of campaigning that a candidate can be involved with. FACT - I had NOTHING to do with the flyers other than receive one like many other residents did in these wards. To prove this to you and call you on it, I am proposing the following: I will agree to take a polygraph test on this subject. You must take one as well. If I pass that polygraph test, You must: 1. Pay for the cost of the polygraph tests to be conducted. 2. Issue a written retraction and post it on Twitter and the Facebook sites of my choice. 3. Pay a $10,000 donation to my charitable foundation within 30 days of todays date.. This offer will expire at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday October 25th, 2014. Failure to take me up on this open challenge will draw a conclusion that, once again, you have unjustly and publicly slandered me in the most cowardly manner on social media. Regards, Tim McClure
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 13:17:13 +0000

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