AN OPEN LETTER TO MR GOVERNOR, STATE OF OSUN, OGBENI RAUF AREGBESOLA By virtue of introduction, I am comrade combatant unionist, activist, humanist, Abubakar Ibrahim Adeshina(AIA) Olokuta. A native of Ilobu, Bara Olokutas compound, Irepoodun, State of Osun. I feel rather obliged to blaze the trail and directly address Mr Governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, ingremio legis and provided I do not eventually space out, with this apocalyptic open-letter which has embedded in it my angst about the education of our young ones, the secondary school students, their bleak prospect and the usual derisive excuse of neglect by the Federal government often pronounced by the government, State of Osun. Your excellence, Sir, I must confess I was inter alia thrilled at the dexterity with which teachers under your command handled and executed the sit-down strike action; it did appal the concerned public as well. Fan-freaking-tastic (tmesis- forgive my pen- lapus calami) as it could seem as teachers could only stare at their students, probably as a way to emphatically stress the fact that the strike action was considerate and lawful, yet directly giving room for the chalk and the chalk board to go on strike action. Students, out of sheer respect which they picked up naturally returned the kind gesture bestowed unto them and put on display skillfully their unbeatable best bestiality. The Opon Imon then was put to a better use as students miraculously, yet expectedly, turned classrooms into theater houses. Ex nihilo nihil fit- nothing is made from nothing. Were they at fault at all? Are the students to blame? I believe NO would be your answer too, Sir because it was the State government which made a real balls-up of their education! Now that it is corroborated that the students FIRST TERM was wasted unnecessarily, how then do we make up for what they have missed? Achcha! The teachers would someday receive the usual general alert and begin to troop in to banks to cash out money for which they no doubt never worked. Oga ta, oga ota, kowo alaaru sa ti pe! Conclusively, I make bold to advise that something be done to make up for the lectures the students have missed. Im sure if the teachers were not paid for a couple of months or thereabouts, NUT would vow to bring down the whole country. But it is a pity that there is no serious body to fight for these students. And if there is, let us agree it is dead! Tempus fugit, memento mori! Thank you, Sir!
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 23:11:52 +0000

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