AN OPEN LETTER TO MY SECRETARY GENERAL NATHANIEL AKADIMA By Jally Kihara Reports that 27th Student Governing Council (SGC) Sec Gen Nathaniel Akadima is making frantic calls to the The 3rd Eye’s management every time a story about the body gets published is sickening. Apparently, he makes frequent demands that stories about SGC be pulled down and issues threats to the media house’s editors. This behavior is not only ridiculous in modern day society but unexpected and unacceptable. It can only be construed to mean curbing student journalists. Consequently, it draws attention to the role of campus media as a watchdog. Any efforts to kill the spirit of student writers and suppress facts or opinion which is (are) anti-SGC is in its totality against Freedom of expression and Freedom of the Media as enshrined in Kenya’s 2010 Constitution. Akadima’s ill moves reek of a retrogressive regime which cannot withstand media criticism. This stirs concerns over the 27th SGC willingness to work in a media free environment; making one wonder why the Boit-led student government is afraid of an active media. If my Secretary General feels offended by the media, he has a right to launch a complaint in acceptable ways but not through intimidating writers by calling editors to know who wrote the stories. Akadima is specifically, for reasons only known to him, worried about a bold writer who exposes the 27th SGC dubious practices through the byline The Scoop Desk. My advice to Akadima is that he has a right to dispute what the writer publishes, he can always write as he did(today) under Right of Reply on any matter he feels erroneous and leave comrades to judge. Otherwise, Akadima should desist from making calls to editors demanding pull down of stories. Comrades have a right to access of information. I urge the The 3rd Eye to remain Independent and Vigilant!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 16:53:53 +0000

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