AN OPEN LETTER TO OMER ABDULLAH…. Sir ,neither I am a politician nor do I know the political gymmics, yet I feel an inner urge, to express myself ,so that the voice of common man which usually goes unheard, finds a means of expression through this letter It is essential to let me tell you frankly ,that I donot believe in politics of deceit, hypocrisy and double standard. I am of the opinion that Kashmir conflict could be re solved only through a political dialogue, resolution and will power. When you took over as a Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir ,I felt a hope that you may do something different to rekindle the extinguished faith of the people.. You promised to change the face of the state ,which had witnessed ,pain, pathos, mayhems and a sense of deep insecurity for decades together,. People felt that you may change the Diaspora, it was hoped that you would act unlike your predecessors. Despite lofty promises, you could not transact, even to a minimum level. Your tenure began with optimism and hope, but as the time times passed, things began to collapse .You couldn’t neutralize the public anger that erupted with the death of Wamiq farooq ,which finally created a Spree of deaths and the state had to pay a huge human loss . Allegations and counter allegations were levelled, You promised to put the culprits to justice but every probe brought about deep pessimism ,hopelessness and dejection. The Shopian double rape ,followed by murder of Asiya and Neelofar, deeply alienated the public sentiment..Your instant and hurried response deeply tore the public trust..The probe carried out by Indian premier Agency. CBI,openly played with the emotions of the people. The drowning theory, ridiculed the very thought of being impartial and genuine.. A man of even insane mentality, will not digest the theory, that the duo ,died in a stream ,where in , the water level was not beyond 6 inches. Your father has along played duel card, his pro Indian and Pro Hindutya speech in Delhi and simultaneously speaking all together in a different tone in Kashmir, has also turned people skeptic about your identity as kashmir’s. He has always spoken things to please his Masters in New Delhi ,and almost neglected the voice of the people. Mr .Mustafa Kamal , your uncle ,never gave any legitimacy to Congress, which has merit in it. Your un holy marriage with UPA ,which was never legitimized by Mustafa Kamal, ultimately proved vicious for you. The hanging of AFZAL Guru, is a price, which your party ,shall have to pay for decades together. You as a Chief Minister Of this unfortunate state, could have used your influence in centre to avert the hanging, as was done by Jailalita in Tamil Nadu, pertaining to the hanging of Rajiv Gandhi killers. I believe you had that sort of Stamina and stability to do, but ,I don’t know ,why you have will fully upheld silence. Your father lives in a euphoria that, to please the Govt of india,is the only way to rule the State ,you could have at least resigned or expressed your reservations to the centre. Nothing concrete was done by you, to safe guard ,if not the sentiments of the people at least could have saved your own skin. .You promised to tacked corruption, but could not do a little as the state is neck deep inundated in corruption. Bureaucracy has spoiled all your dreams, as hegemony of the state institutions, has gone so high, that the common man feels uncommon to, bear with the cruel state actors. .The Pathribal fake encounter ,followed by ,non delivers of justice to the victims and the subsequent closure of the case by Army ,has created deep panic, pain and alienation The Trust deficit and the mistrust ,has turned people hostile and aggressive. When Things went wrong , the state used all its oppressive instruments to quell the growing dissent but that did not work, and created more anarchy. .The irony of the state of affairs is that, you promised the people on the floor of house , to lift the Draconian law like AFAFSA , but you have brazenly failed to concretize your public promises .,lawlessness over powered the law of the land . The state Govt employees acted as masters and the common man felt a sense of agonizing situation, intact the . Bureaucracy enjoyed unbridled powers, Corruption in Revenue Deptt. has reached to alarming propositions. The condition of our roads reflects and wears a shabby look, as if we are driven back to stone age . Your open war policy with the agitated youth has aggravated the problem, you could have listened to them, instead of cocooning them in barracks. The biggest hope, which the people had hoped, that you could revoke AFASPA, on which many a deliberations were conducted by your Cabinet , in fact you openly spoke for its revocation, but you have virtually failed, to do something concrete. Right from post nineties your father made flamboyant speeches, to restore the eroded autonomy. Even National Conference passed a bill ,in Assembly after 1996 elections, which brought about zero results. Despite all these disappointments and failures you continued to live in power. No doubt you ruled the state but yourself ,you are ruled by certain forces, within and outside your domain. TARIQ DARSAROO BIJBEHARA Tariq762@rediffmail 9469025062
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 16:16:22 +0000

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