AN OPEN LETTER TO RSM MANAGEMENT Dear Ms. Rifkin, I just - TopicsExpress


AN OPEN LETTER TO RSM MANAGEMENT Dear Ms. Rifkin, I just came to know that a new RSM center is being opened in New Hampshire (Nashua) region. As you can see our conversations below I had reached out to you and your team on 9/10/2013 and thereafter expressing my interest to open a new RSM center in Nashua. Every time I was told that you dont have plans to expand in that area. Even in April of 2014 when I followed up on my previous conversation, you mentioned the following Dear Anuradha, We are not opening new schools in this ares in 2014 2015, thank you for your interest in Rsm --Inessa Rifkin But just after 4 months of that statement, today on September 7th, I get a letter from RSM announcing the opening of new center in Nashua, exactly the area where I had been interested about an year ago but was never given a chance. I want to know the reason as why I was denied of this opportunity. I and my partner have adequate academic and financial qualifications to run a Maths center. We were willing to work to under your leadership and learn the RSM way to do whatever it takes to make a center successful. But unfortunately we never got a chance. As part of being denied, I have done my research trying to understand as why I was not welcomed and every time was given an excuse and ultimately denied. I found that each and every RSM center opened and run by Russian decent. This was proved true when I came to know that the Nashua center in which I was interested was ultimately opened by another Russian ONLY. It is indeed upsetting that a promising Mathematics school which is growing much popularity among the parents of all ethnicity is taking such a racist approach when it comes to operating their business in United States. I know this letter probably will be ignored by you and your team but consider this as a open letter which I will post in all social media and talk about it in the community. I wish you all the best but I am prepared to take it to the next level if it needs to be. Best Regards, Susri Anuradha
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 14:31:47 +0000

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