AN OPEN LETTER TO THE EDITORIAL BOARD OF THE SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS NEWS Bruce Davidson San Antonio Express News Dear Mr. Davidson and Members of the San Antonio Express News Editorial Board: I am writing you to ask that you give serious consideration to endorsing my candidacy for the office of District 123 State Representative. I am a political novice. I have lived in District 123 for 30 years. My motivation to seek this position is driven by my concern about climate change, and the total failure of both major parties in our state to address this problem. The Editorial Board, much to its credit, is well aware of this failure. mysanantonio/opinion/editorials/article/Abbott-Davis-lacking-on-climate-debate-5523245.php Climate change is the greatest collective action problem in human history. Our difficulties in facing up to this problem in our country, and in Texas in particular, are due to many factors, but perhaps most important is the sacralized position of the oil and gas industry. Our collective dependence on fossil fuels has motivated our blindness to the consequences of this dependence. Jonathan Haidt, an astute observer of our current politics, has said: Follow the sacred, and there you will find a circle of motivated ignorance. We must break through the circle of motivated ignorance that is blinding us to the reality and consequences of climate change. This task will require patience, wisdom, and leadership. This will mean a change in the way we do our politics, where we do more listening, and less hating. What seems impossible now, will eventually seem inevitable. The difficult political changes will be driven by the inevitability of climate change. My opponent, Mr. Michael Villarreal, has announced that he intends to resign after the November 4th election. This means that I am the only candidate on the ballot for District 123 that actually wants to serve in the office. In spite of this, as a third party candidate with no resources and no major party backing, my chances are long at best. The Editorial Board has three options. You can make no endorsement, which might seem perfectly reasonable, given these circumstances. You can endorse Mr. Villarreal, which seems unlikely, given his lack of interest in actually returning to continue to serve in this position. Or you can endorse me. Endorsing my candidacy would offer a clear statement that you recognize the gravity of climate change as a problem, and the failure of the two major parties to address this problem. You have already made your views on these questions clear in your editorial statement on June 2nd, 2014. I want to go to Austin to talk about, and do something about, climate change. There are some changes that can win bipartisan support, like changes in utility regulation that help homeowners sell back energy from home based wind and solar power to utilities. Other policy changes will be considerably more challenging. Endorsing my candidacy could make a difference. I wont disappoint you. There are, of course, other important issues facing the 2015 Legislature, including changes in funding formulae for education, and I will not be neglecting thoughtful consideration of these matters. I welcome the opportunity to discuss my experience, views and candidacy with you in more detail at your convenience. Sincerely, Paul T. Ingmundson, PhD Candidate, Green Party, Texas State House of Representatives District 123 facebook/IngmundsonTexas123
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 07:25:54 +0000

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