AN OPEN LETTER TO THE GOVERNMENT. Dear Mr Kenny and Ms Burton, I - TopicsExpress


AN OPEN LETTER TO THE GOVERNMENT. Dear Mr Kenny and Ms Burton, I hope you and your respective parties enjoy the remaining time you have in power. I am sure that you will use that time to ensure you will be financially secure for the rest of your lives and collect your fat pensions thereafter, because as you will both realise all too well you will not be given another chance to govern our country. After watching Fianna Fail bring it to its knees because of the greed of a small band of corrupt bankers, greedy property developers and inept politicians we turned to you for help and guidance but you have shafted us time after time in order to satisfy the faceless bondholders and EU bean counters so you could receive a pat on the head from Messers Merkel & Co and be told what good little boys and girls you were. I, as a working class person living in this country have paid tax upon tax, VAT on food, petrol, clothing etc etc, the list is endless, but to ask me to pay for water for me and my family is a step to far. You may install water meters and send letters and bills but BE ASSURED, I WILL NOT PAY THIS UNFAIR TAX EVER!!! I WILL GO TO PRISON BEFOREHAND. And then to add insult to injury I have watched your former Minister for the Environment (who has squandered countless Millions of Euros attempting to get this bureaucratic monster up and running) given a plum post in Europe. His reward for his bully boy tactics and pure ignorance no doubt. My advise to you is simple, put your heads above the parapets and take heed of what the men and women all across this country are saying, the men and women who put you in power and the men and women who will see you never get elected again....NO WATER TAX, NOT NOW AND NOT EVER!!! Then swallow your pride, go back to Europe and tell them what the Irish people have said. At least you may be able to enjoy your retirement with the tiniest shred of dignity and self respect. Yours Sincerely Brendan CUllen.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 18:45:33 +0000

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