AN OPEN POST FOR AVERY COUNTY COMMISSIONER PHYLLIS FORBES: Since you mentioned to me about being full of it for daring to speak the truth, speaking of just that: You missed 15 out of 18 board meetings last year to play in Wash State. I have no issue that you have a personal life. Still, when your good times out west prevented you from living up to your SWORN OATH to the people of Avery County, here is a way to make your malfeasance right. When you called in by phone vs. attending the meetings in person, you could not establish a quorum, go into closed session or break a tie. Other than running up hours of long distance phone bills to the Avery taxpayers, you did NOTHING in those meetings. More outrageous, you arrogantly accepted PAY for playing hooky. County employees cant phone in to work; they either report to duty, take leave or they get fired. If a county employee does go AWOL and isnt fired, a reprimand results, NOT a paycheck as if they were in attendance at work as usual. I demand Phyllis, that you promptly reimburse the county for every meeting you phoned into and received pay for. I also demand you fine yourself $25.00 for being late to yesterdays meeting. I dont even ask for reimbursement for gas I use when I drive places as coroner nor do I seek reimbursement for postage for the many dozens of official letters I mail out as coroner. I am solely serving to help Avery people. I sure dont want money if Im AWOL. If I dont deserve something, I was raised not to seek nor accept it. Phyllis, here is your chance to do the right thing and make it right by repaying the taxpayers money. Most people who cheat on time sheets get firwd (arguably you did in the recent election, but some even get charged with felony receiving property (pay) by false pretense. You are a politician so as sorry as it is, technically you didnt break the law, but what you did was unethical. Do the right thing now and repay all of the hoo-dooed money back to our hardworking taxpayers, so that you can leave office with true integrity, not just a grin that yougot away with it.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 23:10:30 +0000

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